FlowControlProducts 014 - page 20-21

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8.1 Unitpowerup/powerdown
Press the (power) button:
The LCD screenwill display Followedbymeasured
the device intro screen:
Topower off, press andhold the (power) button:
Appears temporarily if the unit’s calibration
has expired (>1 year).
See Section14.0:Calibration andService
If the unit is hookedup to a flow stream
with a flow rate less than 0.50mL/min. the
unit will report an“under range”status for
the flow. Thismessagewill appear until the
flow rate exceeds 0.50mL/min.
8.2 AdjustLCDcharactercontrast
Press the (menu) button.
Use the (arrow) keys to select the contrastmenu:
Press the (menu) button again to enter the value select
Use the (arrow) keys to select the contrast value.
ContrastValues: 1 (lightest) and5 (darkest).
To return to themainmenu screen, press the (menu)
To exit and return tomeasuring flow, press the (menu)
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