FlowControlProducts 014 - page 18-19

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If youdonot alreadyhave serial terminal software, free, open source
options are availableonline (i.e.RealTerm, etc.).You candownload
RealTerm* software from:
After installation, click thePort tab and set the following:
Baud: 57600
Port: the appropriateVCP for your ProFLOW
Parity: None
DataBits: 8bits
StopBits: 1bit
HardwareFlowControl: None
Go to theUSBmenu entry in theProFLOWand turn the transmis-
sionon. Finally, click
on thePort tab inRealTermandyouwill
see the serial data streambegin in the terminalwindow (Figure8).
If youwould like to log the flowdata, this canbedoneby clicking
on theCapture tab. Set File to thename and locationof the log file
that youwould like to save and click either the
buttons appropriately (Figure 9).
*This software is not suppliedor supportedbyRestek.User assumes all responsibility for the
downloading anduseof theprogram.
Screen captureof data collection.
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