Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 407

RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide
Section IV: Column Troubleshooting & Return Procedure
Many problems associatedwith capillary chromatography are due to sample
contamination or instrument variables. Our technical service chemistsmay suggest
some troubleshooting procedures to isolate these variables. Preliminary troubleshooting
efforts by you help us identify the cause of the problem faster and can save you
valuable down time.
A. Please follow these steps topinpoint performance problems:
Isolate theColumn From Instrument Variables:
The first step is to isolate the column from instrument variables. To do this, simply
install a new column into the same GCwithout changing any GC related variables. We
highly recommend keeping a spare column on hand at all times, but if you do not have
a spare column, then install the questionable column in another GC that is working
properly. If the problem does not seem to follow the column, (i.e. the new column does
not work in the same GC, or the old columnworks fine in another GC), thenwe suggest
performing routinemaintenance on the injection port and detector as described in
Section II of this installation guide. If the problem seems to follow the column, then it is
time to perform routinemaintenance on the column as described in Section III of this
installation guide.
BeginDiagramming andDocumenting
Document the procedures in chronological order listing times, dates, and important
instrument parameters. Label all troubleshooting chromatograms. These steps help to
inform anyone else that may beworking on the system of the troubleshooting
procedures that have been completed.
Start with a simple instrument diagram and try switching column A to detector B and
vice versa. If the problemmoves to detector B, then the problem ismost likely
occurring in the injector.
If the problem stays on Detector Awhen the column outlet is switched, then suspect a
detector problem. Begin isolating detector problems by switching hardware, cables,
electrometers, integrators, or any suspect part in the pathway. If the problem goes
away from the A side, then that detector ismost likely the cause and should be
RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide
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