Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 408

RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide
B. If you areunable topinpoint the problem:
Contact our
at 800-356-1688 (ext. 4). Save all chromatograms
and notes on any operating parameters.
ProvideRestek's Technical ServiceChemistswith This Information:
1. The column's catalog and serial numbers.
2. Where andwhen the columnwas purchased and the invoice or purchase order
3. Instrument parameters:
a. instrument manufacturer andmodel number
b. injectionmode
c. attenuation and range setting
d. oven temperature profile
e. injector and detector temperatures
f. detector type
4. Sample parameters:
a. sample size, list of sample components, and concentrations
b. description of the sample components that work and those that are
c. derivatization agents, inorganics, or highmolecular weight residuewhichmay
be present
d. number of injectionsmadewith the sample on this particular column and the
length of time the column has been in service
5. Concise description of the problem:
a. observed symptoms
b. variables affecting the symptoms
c. steps taken to solve the problem
d. if the problem has been observed before
Before you call, obtain chromatograms generatedwhen the columnwas working
properly and chromatograms that illustrate the problem you are having.
C. ReturnAuthorizationProcedure:
Procedure for ReturningCapillaryGCColumns
If a phone call does not resolve the problem satisfactorily, wewill evaluate the column
in our lab to identify the problem source. Before returning the column, obtain an
from a technical service chemist.
Important Note:
If you purchased the column through a distributor, youmust obtain
return authorization through that distributor.
To send the column back, place it in its original box and tape. Send it prepaid to this
Restek Corporation
110 Benner Circle
Bellefonte, PA 16823-8812
Attn: RA# _____________
1...,397,398,399,400-401,402,403,404,405,406,407 409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,...
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