Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 409

RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide
Note: information provided here is specific to Capillary GC Columns. Refer to the
current Chromatography Products Guide for return authorization information on other
types of products, or call Technical Service at 800-356-1688 (ext. 4).
After receiving the column, it is retested in our QA lab and rinsed if necessary. Inmost
cases, the column evaluation is completedwithin threeworking days. A technical
service chemist will call and discuss the results and give suggestions. If we determine
the column is working satisfactorily or was contaminated and simply required solvent
rinsing, it will be returned to your labwith our recommendations to help you avoid this
problem in the future. If the column is defective, it will be replaced immediatelywith a
new column. There is no charge for retesting or troubleshooting column problems.
When column problems are suspected and you need the product immediately, we can
send you a new column, but wemust invoice you for it. Credit is issued to your account
if the returned column can be restocked or is found defective. If the problemwas
system-related or was caused by improper handling, the columnwill be returned to you
and the replacement item invoice is due. We cannot restock damaged or used items.
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