Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 402

RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide
Section III: Operational Information
A. StandbyOperation
If the column is not going to be used for several days but the instrument must remain on
standby, reduce the splitter vent flow rate to 10cc/min. (to conserve carrier gas) and
maintain an oven temperature between 100°C and 150°C. Keeping the oven slightly hot
minimizes septa bleed from accumulating at the head of the column and reduces the need
for excessive conditioningwhen the column is used. Make sure there is a sufficient carrier
gas supplywhen leaving the column in standby operation. If the columnwill be unused
for three or more days, it is best to shut down all heated zones and leave the column in
the GCwith a low flow of carrier gas. Never leave the column in the GCwithout carrier
gas flowing.
B. ColumnRemoval andStorage
Remove the column from the GC. Make sure that there are no ferrule fragments in the
injector or detector fittings. If a graphite ferrule sticks in the fitting, remove it by using a
tapered needle file (cat.# 20106). Insert the file and spin it slightly until it is latched
inside the ferrule. Thenmove the file slightly from side-to-side, while applying force, until
the ferrule slips out of the fitting. If the ferrule does not come out in one piece,
disassemble the fitting and inspect all parts tomake sure that all fragments are removed.
Seal the column ends with a high temperature
(2000°C) Microflame™ torch (cat.# 20125)
immediately after removing the column from
the GC. If aMicroflame™ torch is not available,
or when using stainless steel columns, insert the
column ends into a septum to prevent phase
oxidation during storage. Always store the
column in the original box, away from sunlight
or fluorescent lights, to avoid polymer damage.
In particular, Stabilwax®, Rtx®-1301, and
Rtx®-1701 columns (polyethylene glycol and
cyanosilicone polymers) are especially
susceptible to uv induced degradation and
should be shielded from light.
RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide
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