SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 7

Medical CannabisGasChromatograph
Configuration choices November 2010
Configuration #4
GC configuration
Part# 8610-0092
ThisGC configuration permits two sepa-
rate analyseswhich can be run simulta-
neously. The first analysis is for potency
( CBD, THC andCBN ) using aFID de-
tector. The second analysis is for pesti-
cides in cannabis using dual detectors.
TheNPD ( nitrogen phosphorus detec-
tor )measures organo-phosphorus pes-
ticides (Malathion ) andmany of the
carbamate pesticides ( Sevin ).
TheDELCD ( dry electrolytic conductiv-
ity detector )measures organo-chlorine
pesticides likeDursban, DDT, andEn-
The photos at right show the three col-
umns, three detectors and dual injectors
whichmake this possible.
ThisGC configuration is appropriate for
userswith prior GC experience since the
pesticide screen ismore complex than
the potency test. It should be under-
stood that while 90% of all pesticides
can be detectedwith thisGC configura-
tion, it is not possible tomeasure every
possible pesticide since there are hun-
dreds of pesticidemolecules in a variety
of chemical classes. It does allow the
user to screen formost common pesti-
cides in a very cost effective ( less than
25 cents per analysis )manner using
only .1 grams of sample.
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