SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 4

Medical CannabisGasChromatograph
Configuration choices November 2010
SRI can configure a gas chromatograph
( GC ) in hundreds of ways to perform
almost any analysis.
Four common configurations have be-
come popular formeasuringmedical
cannabis. All four configurations include
a vial heater to thermostat theTHCex-
tract to 50C for improved accuracy. The
vial heater is shown on theSRI 8610C
GC in the photos at right.
Configuration #1
SRI part# 8610-0090 $11,749.00
ThisGC is configuredwith aTID
( thermionic ionization detector )
which can operatewithout any
gases except common room air.
Abuilt-in air compressor provides
carrier gas so no gas cylinders are
required. OnlyAC power and a
Windows computer is required for
operationmaking thisGC configu-
ration ideal formobile labs, for re-
mote locations or for customers
with no prior experience inGC op-
eration. Analysis time is less than
5minutes to determine, CBD, THC
andCBN in plant, oil or edible
Request a detailed quote fromSRI
showing all items included in this
GC configuration
TID sensor
runs on air
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,...870
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