SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 62

Medical CannabisPesticide
Screening using theSRI 8610CGC
Two additional columns can be con-
nected to theHeated Injector. One
of these columns goes to theNPD
detector and the other to the
DELCD detector. TheHeated Injec-
tor splits the sample onto the two
columns using a two hole ferrule
Restek part#
TheHeated Injector and on column
injector are side by side on the front
of theGC’s column oven.
TheHeated Injector includes a re-
move-able quartz lined stainless
steel tube. Cannabis samples ( 100
milligrams ) are inserted into the
tube and then into theHeated Injec-
tor which at 200C thermally desorbs
pesticides off the cannabis and onto
the two columns.
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