SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 65

Medical CannabisPesticide
Screening using theSRI 8610CGC
Manicure the cannabis sample and
scoop 100milligrams ( .1gram ) into
the tube.
Weigh the tube until you get ap-
proximately 100milligrams. You do
not have toget exactly 100 so long
as you are close ( 95-105mg ). The
photo are right shows theweight at
99milligrams. You can correct for
the actual sampleweight in the
PeakSimple software after the
Stuff a littlemore cotton into the
tube to hold the cannabis sample in
place. Do not pack the cotton and
cannabis tightly. The cotton should
just be tight enough to prevent the
cannabis from escaping the tube.
The cannabis should be loose, NOT
packed down.
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