SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 52

Medical CannabisPotencyTesting
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
SRI recommends preparing a “333
working standard” rather than us-
inga primary standard to calibrate.
Not onlywill this help to preserve
the purity of your primary standard
and getmoremileage out of it, but
it will also calibrate theGC at per-
cent concentrations thatmore
closely resemble cannabis flowers
(13.32% insteadof 40%).
If youhave separate cannabinoid
standards, use the 100uLsyringe,
which is includedwith theSRI GC,
( Restek#24863 ) to transfer 100uL
of each 1000ng/uL ( primary )
standard into another 2mLvial. If
you have the 3-way standard, use
the 100uL syringe to transfer
100uLof the standard intoanother
2mLvial and then add200uLof
After eithermethod, youwill end
upwith300uLof working
standard containing 333ng/uL
each of the three compounds
( CBD,THC andCBN ). Label the
primary andworking standards
withboth a name anda date.
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