RtxPresentations07 - page 1968-1969

Several different adulterantswere added to cocaine in equal amounts. The on-
column concentrations of all of the compoundswere10ng each. GC/MS run
conditionswereoptimized to give themaximum separation and the shortest
analysis time. (SeeRunConditions #1). Total analysis timewas 6.5minutes. All
compoundswere baseline resolvedwith the exception of caffeine and lidocaine;
Theywere resolved by approximately 25% (seeTIC #1). However, since they
have very different mass spectra, extracted ion analysis could be performed
resulting in positive identification of each compound. Lidocaine has a distinctive
mass fragment of 86m/z and caffeine has a distinctivemass fragment of 194m/z
(seeMS #1&MS #2).
1...,1948-1949,1950-1951,1952-1953,1954-1955,1956-1957,1958-1959,1960-1961,1962-1963,1964-1965,1966-1967 1970-1971,1972-1973,1974-1975,1976-1977,1978-1979,1980-1981,1982-1983,1984-1985,1986-1987,1988-1989,...
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