RtxPresentations07 - page 1964-1965

For the purposes of this study, GC/MS, andHPLC/UV-Vis datawas obtained and
analyzed. Mock samples of illicit cocainewereprepared using a variety of
adulterants and diluents. Stimulants including caffeine, local anesthetics such as
lidocaine, and over the counter analgesics like phenacetin, wereadded to cocaine
hydrochloride in varying concentrations. A simple “dilute and shoot” sample
preparation schemewas used to dissolve the samples before analysis. High
Performance LiquidChromatography (HPLC) andGasChromatography (GC)
methodsweredeveloped for identifyingeach adulterant or diluent added to
cocaine. Methoddevelopment focused onmaximizing the resolutionof all of the
compounds in the studywhileminimizing the total analysis time in order to
increase sample throughput.
1...,1944-1945,1946-1947,1948-1949,1950-1951,1952-1953,1954-1955,1956-1957,1958-1959,1960-1961,1962-1963 1966-1967,1968-1969,1970-1971,1972-1973,1974-1975,1976-1977,1978-1979,1980-1981,1982-1983,1984-1985,...
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