RtxPresentations07 - page 1960-1961

A second, less common, chromatographicmethod for identificationof the
adulterants and diluents in cocaine isHighPerformance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC). UV detection, either fixed or variablewavelength, is
themost common detectionmode. If sugars, such as lactose, are present,
Refractive Index (RI) detectionmust be used since sugars have little or noUV
absorbance(seeChromatogram #2).
Both types of detectionmethodology provide reproducible retention times,
adequate peak identification and good quantitation. HPLC/MS is an
alternative technique for analyzing adulterants in cocaine. HPLC/MS can also
give confirming spectral data similar toGC/MS. However, reliableHPLC/MS
methodology is still under development.
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