RtxPresentations07 - page 1986-1987

“Fingerprint” identification of mock cocaine samples could be achieved through
the identification of the type and number of additives. SinceGC/MS provides
adequate semiquantitative information regarding the concentration of each
additive relative to the cocaine concentrationand themost undisputable
identification of a substance (both retention time andmass spectrum data), it is
the preferred chromatographicmethod for analyzing cocaine and cocaine
adulterants. Sugars, of course, must be analyzed byHPLC using anRI detector.
Futuremethod development work should be conducted inHPLC/MS toallow
analysts the flexibility of using either GC/MS or HPLC/MS as theirmethod of
choice. Mobile phase and column choicewill be critical parameters to optimize
for thismethod.
1...,1966-1967,1968-1969,1970-1971,1972-1973,1974-1975,1976-1977,1978-1979,1980-1981,1982-1983,1984-1985 1988-1989,1990-1991,1992-1993,1994-1995,1996-1997,1998-1999,2000-2001,2002-2003,2004-2005,2006-2007,...
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