RtxPresentations07 - page 1926-1927

Theoretical Basis
• Outgassing rate (F) inmonolayers per sec:
F= [exp (-E/RT)]/t’
t’ = period of oscillation of moleculeperp. To surface, ca. 10
E= energy of desorption (Kcal/gmol)
R= gas constant
source: Roth, A. VacuumTechnology, Elsevier SciencePublishers,
Amsterdam 2
ed., p. 177.
• Experimental designallows us to isolateanddirectly compare
outgassing rateswith increasing temperature. By applyingheat, the
outgassing rates areexponentially increased for thepurposeof
timely data collection. These comparisonswithexperimental
controls directly illustrate thedifference incurredby theapplied
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