RtxPresentations07 - page 354-355

EPAmethod 8270 andAppendix IXcontainover 150 commonlyanalyzed
semi-volatile pollutants.
The compounds include PAH's, chlorinated
hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, nitrosamines, phenols, anilines and
Preparing stable analytical referencematerials for this
extensive compound list is not trivial.
Poorly formulatedmixtureswill
give compound interactionover time in the flame sealed ampule that
ultimatelymisrepresents the originallyprepared target concentration
leading to poor calibrationdata quality.
Datawill be presented on the stabilityofmanydifferent semi-volatile
analytical referencematerials formulations. Incompatible compounds
and their proposed reactions and productswill be described.
The role
of solvent purityand specifications ingood long termreference
material will also be described.
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