MRC-2013-Catalog - page 627

Single Reflection ATR
It provides high throughput when measuring materials with
high absorption, such as polymer, rubber, lacquer, fiber etc.
High throughput
Easy operation and high analytical efficiency
ZnSe, Diamond, AMTIR, Ge and Si crystal plate can be
selected according to application.
Accessory for Determination of Hydroxyl in IR Quartz
Fast, convenient and accurate measurement of
Hydroxyl content in IR quartz
Direct measurement to IR quartz tube, no need to cut
Accessory for Oxygen and Carbon in Silicon Crystal
Special silicon plate holder
Automatic, fast and accurate measurement of oxygen
and carbon in silicon crystal
Lower detection limit: 1.0*1016 cm
(at room temperature)
Silicon plate thickness: 4.0~0.4 mm.
Component Testing Accessory
Fast and accurate measurement of the response of such
components as MCT, InSb and PbS etc.
Curve, peak wavelength, stop wavelength and D* etc
can be presented.
Powder Dust Monitoring Accessory
Special Si0
powder dust monitoring software
Fast and accurate measurement of Si0
powder dust.
Optic Fiber testing Accessory
Easy and accurate measurement of the loss rate of IR
optic fiber, overcoming the difficulties for fiber testing,
since they are very thin, with very small light-passing holes
and uneasy to fix.
Jewelry Inspection Accessory
Accurate identification of jewelries.
Universal Accessories
Fixed liquid cells and demountable liquid cells
Gas cells with different path length
IR Microscope
Micro samples analysis, minimum sample size:
100µm (DTGS detector) and 20µm (MeT detector)
Nondestructive sample analysis
Translucent sample analysis
Two measurement methods: transmission and reflection
Easy sample preparation.
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