MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 439

Operating Instructions WBL-118 Refrigerated bath and circulator
4.4 Clear error, warning and alarm
When the equipment displays
, check the connections of the Pt100 where necessary.
are indications for short-circuit and open-circuit of the temperature sensor PT100.
For inspection, remove the screws for the controller cover as for checking and replacing of the fuse
(Fig 5). Check the wire connecting terminals of the PCBA for the temperature sensor, and make
sure no short-circuit or open-circuit occurs. If necessary, a multimeter may be used for the
resistance of the Pt100. The value of the sensor is 100Ω@0
C and +0.385Ω/
C. At 26
C ambient,
the resistance of the sensor is about 110Ω.
In most cases, loose wiring and terminating rather than open-circuit of the Pt100 sensor could trigger
an error and alarm. Once fixed, those alarms will disappear when switching on the power again. If
alarm still exists with Pt100 checked or replaced, and for servicing or maintenance, call authorized
service engineer.
When the equipment displays
, try first to pull down the temperature of the heater or the heat
transfer liquid and find the cause of the over temperature. The STB resets automatically once
temperature resumes to below designated limit value. Reboot the controller by powering off and
on again, and the normal operation of the temperature control will resume. If warning still exists
with STB checked or reset, and for servicing or maintenance, call authorized service engineer.
When the equipment displays alarm
, cut off power and deal with the equipment as 3.6 after
bath temperature goes down close to ambient, then turn on power again. If alarm still exists with
Pt100 checked or replaced, and for servicing or maintenance, call authorized service engineer.
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