MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 321

PA2000i Measuring Channels
The PA2000i Laser Channel is a straight-forward technique
for determining micro-particle size distribution
(0.1 - 3,600 microns), without any assumptions or sample
This unique analytical technique is called “Laser
Obscuration Time” (LOT).
The major advantage of direct particle size measurement
over other laser used techniques is its higher resolution
obtained by the individual particle measurement
approach that allows minor fraction detection and better
measurement accuracy.
Main benefit of using the LOT is that the analysis results
aren’t affected by any physical or chemical property of
the particle or its medium, enabling reliable results.
State-Of-The-Art software analyses the obscuration time as
multiple pulses algorithm complex, providing within seconds
clear and accurate particles size distribution results.
The PA2000i Video Channel performs 2-D particles
Dynamic Size and Shape Analysis in a wide size
range (1 - 5,000 microns).
Acquired images are displayed and analyzed by
powerful image analysis software and are
automatically processed and analyzed while dozens
of useful analytical parameters of the sampled
particles are efficiently determined.
User friendly software provides automated and
advanced Image Analysis features that assist in
optimizing sample measurement.
Software algorithms enable automatic
pre-programmed calculation for all of the available
parameters including Ferret diameter, area,
perimeter, circularity, aspect ratio and many other
useful size and shape analytical parameters.
This remarkable S/W can be used also in a  
stand-alone microscopy application, when a
compatible CCD camera is mounted on an optical
microscope, and the captured images are being
analyzed accordingly.
Magnetic Stirring, Mechanical Stirring, Liquid flow-through,
Fibre flow-through, Aerosol flow-through, Micro
Flow-through, Slide, Heated, Free Fall.
The PA2000i On-Line measurement offer analytical solutions
for a wide variety of applications and processes in-line,
in-sito, in pilot plants, in reactors or in the lab: grinding,
crystallization, polymerization, homogenization, filtration,
separation, drying, dispersion and so on.
Pre-Processing Procedures
Image Quality Filters
Region of Interest Determination
Out-Of-Focus Rejection
Morphology Operations
Grouping according to size/shape
Re-Processing of captured images and movies
Manual Lens Calibration for External Installations
Real images of the measured particles can be easily
saved and printed separately or added directly into
the analysis report document.
Particle Size & Shape Analyzer
PA2000i, Particle Size & Shape Analyzer
Laser Channel - High Resolution & Accuracy
Video Channel - Dynamic Image Analysis
Measurement Cells:
PA2000i Image Analysis software includes many
procedures such as:
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