Fittings-Chromatography-2014 - page 196

Design, Engineering andR&D
ValuePlastics’ staffof product development professionals
uses themostmodernequipment todesign thebest fluid
management products availableanywhere. Whether your
need is for newproductsor custom solutions, our focuson
healthcareOEMmeansweunderstandyour needs anddon’t
need tobe coached toyour industry requirements. Designs
incorporatinghuman factors, finiteelement analysis, DFMA,
rapidprototypingand concurrent engineeringare just some
of the toolsused tobringyou the components you require,
whenyouwant them.
Our all-electric injectionmoldingpresses are chosen for
shot-to-shot consistencyandoutfittedwith themost up-to-
dateprocessmonitoring softwareavailable. Eachoperator
is responsible for product qualityat thepress andhas every
tool at their disposal. Allmolding, secondaryoperations and
packaging takeplace ina controlledenvironment toassure
component readiness for your productionfloor.
Welcome toValuePlastics!
Thankyou for your interest inour products. If you’rea cur-
rent customer,we thankyou for your past support and look
forward toexceedingyour expectations in the future. If you’re
seeingus for thefirst time,wewelcome theopportunity to
earnyour trust.
ValuePlasticsdesigns andmanufactures aproprietary lineof
plastic connectors for lowpressurefluidmanagement applica-
tions. Products available from stock includeover 4,000differ-
ent styleandmaterial combinationswith tubing IDs ranging
from 1/16” to 1”.Wealsooffer custom componentmanu-
facturing, tubing, selectmedical OEM components andour
TUBESETTER®fitting inserters to facilitatedeviceassembly.
Wherewe come from:
We’re located inFort Collins, Colorado, at thebaseof the
RockyMountains, 55milesnorthofDenver. Our facility is
state-of-the-art and self-contained from in-houseproduct
design through tooling,manufacturing, assemblyandpackag-
ing. Customer support, sales andmarketing resources support
theworld from this single facility.
Our quality commitment to you:
Wearededicated toexceedingyour expectations.Weoper-
ateaquality system registeredunder theguidelinesof ISO
9001:2008andmaintain full traceability for all ourmanufac-
turedproducts.Wewelcomeour customers to conduct an
on-site supplier auditwith theknowledge that our systems
have satisfied themost demanding requirementsofmedical
Your assuranceof VPquality:
How canyoube sure that you’regettingagenuineValuePlas-
fitting?Look for our logo.Molded intoevery component
wemanufacture, our logo is your assuranceyouareproducing
thehighest quality items. By relyingonour superior tooling
and craftsmanship, you canbeassured that youwill have the
bestOEM tubing components inyour products.
Toprotect our intellectual propertyandour customers, it is
important tobeawareof thepatents and trademarks that
apply toour products. Look for theValuePlastics logo ( ) to
ensureyoudonotmistakenlyuseapoor quality counterfeit of
fitting, thereby jeopardizing the integrityand
qualityof your product.Manyattributesof our components
are coveredbypatent, includingbutnot limited to, barb, grips,
functionandotherdesign features.
ValuePlastics supplies theworldwithprecisionmolded components,which
aredesigned,manufacturedanddistributed fromour facility inFort Collins,
Colorado, USA.
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