Fittings-Chromatography-2014 - page 201

What happenswhen “off-the-shelf” just doesn’twork?
TheDesignCenter builds anew shelf!
Your Solution. Faster. For less.
Withproject requirements and timelinesbecoming increas-
inglydemanding, it’s critical topartnerwitha teamwho
understandsfluidmanagement solutions and the rigorsof
today’smedical deviceandbiotechmarkets. Teamupwith the
ValuePlasticsDesignCenter for your custom connector needs,
whosemarket leading service, qualityanddeliveryyou’ve
already come toknow.
Here’swhat you canexpect fromour
DesignCenter and the “Specialists in
SaveTime –
Talk to someonewhounderstands your
application requirements. TheDesignCenterworkswithyou
todetermine themost suitablematerial anddesignoptions
todeliver thebest performingproduct as cost-effectivelyas
possible.Wealsoutilize stateof theart rapidprototyping
techniques and in-house testing facilities tokeepyour project
SaveMoney –
Startwithour existingproduct offering
of over 4,000fluid connectors, or utilize someof our existing
mold configurations towardperfectly customizingapart to
your application. Don’t forget, our technical anddesignas-
sistance is FREE!
SaveTrouble –
Ensure that everythingaroundyour
projectwill bedone right thefirst time. Our dedicatedand
experienced staffwillmake sure that thefinest details are
covered from the time thatwe reviewyour product require-
ments to thefinal product qualification.
TheDesignCenter canalsoassist you indevelopingfluid con-
nectors that comply toemerging standards. ValuePlastics is
anactivemember of the ISO80369 standardsgroupdefining
new standard connectors for small bore,medical device con-
Toget started today contact your Value
Toll Free - +1 (866) 582-0965
Email -
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