SRITN12 - page 12

Model 202 Installation Connections
Route the external event wires fromyour instrument through the open hole in
the back of theModel 202.
Strip 1/4" of insulat ion off of each wire. Select which device should be
connected to events 'A' through 'H' and insert thewire into the appropriate
screwterminal andsecure theconnectionusing a small screwdriver.
Refer to the "PeakSimpleForWindows" section of thismanual for setting up
event tables, keyboard activation, etc.
Connecting the Serial Data Interface cable to your computer:
The Model 202 is equipped with a RS-232 serial port. A DB-9 type serial cable
(provided) connects theModel 202 to your personal computer through the
PC's COMport. This simple interface permits the data systemsoftware to be
loaded onto, and operated from, either a desktop or notebook PC for portability
in field operations.
Secure one end of the Serial Data Interface cable to anavailable COMport
on the Back of your PC. Secure the other end to the DB-9 connector on the
back of theModel 202. (Refer again to Figure 1for location of the Serial
Data port.)
(OPTIONAL) Connecting to the switched AC output:
Connections for the switched ACoutput are pre-wired at the factory.
All you need to do is plug your device into the cord provided; activate relay 'A'
using PeakSimple software and the outlet will be powered. (1AMPmaximum)
NOTE: The switchedACoutput must be specifically requested at the time you
order theModel 202.
Connecting power to theModel 202:
Slide the top cover back onto theModel 202.
Secure the cover with the two thumbscrews.
Model 202 units are equippedwitha power cordwhich plugs into a standard
110 (or 220) volt outlet. Plug theModel 202 into the outlet and verify that the
POWER indicater on the front of theModel 202 is lit.
Installation of PeakSimple Software:
Refer to the "PeakSimple ForWindows" section of this manual for details on
proper installationand operation.
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