fastfacts07 - page 149

Achieve specialty alloy performance using austenitic
stainless steels!
Patent pending.
TheSilcosteel®-CR coating is
awell-bonded, dense layer designed
toprotect the substrate fromattack
Enhance the corrosion resistance of steel and
stainless steel, using Silcosteel
-CR treatment:
• Prolong component lifetimes.
• Reduce the need for preventivemaintenance.
• Reduce contamination caused by corrosion.
• Savemoney, relative to using super alloys.
In acidic environments it is critical to engineer solutions
to account for the depreciationof equipment causedby
corrosion.Current commercial solutions that address cor-
rosion are specialized alloys (e.g., Inconel®,Monel®,
Hastelloy®)—or coatings.
Coatings often are employed as acid-resistant barriers
between the corrosive environment and the equipment.
Silcosteel®-CR surface treatment offersmajor advantages
over traditional coatings: our chemical vapor deposition
process incorporates the coating into the stainless steel lat-
tice, eliminating delamination andblistering, common
problemswith traditional overlay coatingswhich rely pri-
marily onprimers or surface tension to remain in contact.
We developed the Silcosteel®-CR treatment specifically toprotect equipment exposed tohydrochloric
acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, ormarine environments.A Silcosteel®-CR treatment upgrades the corro-
sion resistance of 300-grade stainless steels by greater than anorder of magnitude.
A Silcosteel®-CR treatment is bothdurable and flexible.The coatingbuilds frommany startingpoints on
the steel surface.Repeatedoverlaying as the coating grows on the surface creates adense, chemically inert
layer.The layeringprocess also creates flexibility—coated components canbeworked intoplacewithout
cracking, chipping, or otherwise damaging the coating.
Figure 1 shows a cross-sectionopticalmicrographof a Silcosteel®-CR treated couponhaving a surface
roughness average of 16micro inches.The dense,well-bonded layerwill afford reliable protection from
acidicmedia. Several standardized corrosion testingprotocols have beenperformedon the Silcosteel®-
CR treatment. Below are the results of some of these tests.
Each samplewasweighed to the nearest 0.0001 gram, then a rubber gasket waswrapped around the
center to simulate a crevice. Each samplewas immersed in 6%byweight ferric chloride solution for 72
hours, per theASTM testmethod.After 72hours, the samplewas recovered, the rubber gasket was
removed, the samplewas rinsedwithdeionizedwater, thenwith acetone, thenwas dried. The dried
sampleswere reweighed to the nearest 0.0001 gram, todetermineweight loss.
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