Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 362

RestekCapillaryColumn InstallationGuide, Section II
Tubing ID
Nominal TubingOD
0.363mm +/-0.012mm
0.10mm 0.23mm +/-
0.0254mm 0.363mm +/-0.012mm
0.15mm 0.41mm +/-
0.0254mm 0.363mm +/-0.012mm
0.18mm 0.36mm +/-
0.0254mm 0.34mm +/-0.01mm
0.25mm 0.41mm +/-
0.0254mm 0.37mm +/-0.04mm
0.28mm 0.56mm +/-
0.32mm 0.41mm +/-
0.0254mm 0.45mm +/-0.04mm
0.53mm 0.74mm +/-
0.0254mm 0.69mm +/-0.05mm
0.75mm 0.93mm +/-
Cut each column end squarely, approximately 10 centimeters from the end seals. To
obtain a square cut with fused silica columns, place the column end against the
forefinger and score the polyimide layer lightly and rapidlywith a sapphire scribe (cat.#
20115) or a ceramic scoringwafer (cat.# 20116). Score only one side of the column.
Point the column end down to prevent polyimide or fused silica shards from falling
inside, and quickly flick the column just above the score.
Proper and improper fused silica cuts.
Cut metal capillary tubing by scoring the tubingwall (without cutting completely
through) with the edge of a sharp file or ceramic scoringwafer. Wipe any filings off the
tubing and bend it away from the score. Once the score opens, bend the tubing in the
opposite direction (toward the score) until it snaps into two pieces. If the hole is not
round or there is a burr on the tubing, try the procedure again. The flat side of a
ceramic scoringwafer can be used to polish or round the column end into a smooth
conical shape. We do not recommend using high speedwheels or grinders to cut the
metal tubing since theymay introducemetal filings into the tubing or ruin the polymer
near the cut from the high temperatures created.
Proper and improper MXT® column cuts.
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