with more “waffle” in between > but room 4 more thought !”
> more . . .  after-thoughts of
Our (Australias)  political “mess” here > more ( My BLOG(s) )
      . . . enough for “Mr Bean” and “Fawlty Towers” to merge into
  ( some of ) my ( “hightech/support” > “ideas” > “& > some gems” ( back) !
. . . > my apologies to them ! . . . for the ‘analogy”

< continued from > “ad nauseam” ??? but still room for ( your ) “some” thought !
& ongoing > never-ending Australias Political NONsense  from
Climate Change, Energy Crisis ( etc ) > All BS ) to “even more Diversionary “!gender politics ( also BS ) > to “THE VOICE” 
( >reverseBlack > White” racism)
a problem YES ! stems from the siphoning of funds by “fat cats > middle-men “Mr 15%?”
. . . but 10 layers deep > virtually NIL !  Net . . . thru’ to those that really NEED IT !
like most “Charities” are set-up to DO !

  DO THEY WANT THE REST OF US TO SIMPLY “MOVE-OUT” ! . . .and  leave THEM to their OWN ineptitude !
( ALL relative BS ? )
& diversion from Reality ! . . . a cover up of their Own ineptitude !

The Chinese ! NO ! . . . and Yes > they are but just Opportunists !
but They DO at least think & plan long term !

perhaps It IS their turn in History > at the Top !
Now that they are “waking up at last” and that their Communism is NOW adopting /”emulating” Capitalism > more judiciously ?
. . . but in time !

we’re ALL Just “pawns” ? being manipulated

gullibility ! > naivity of OUR Leaders ( in general both political & business
more-so the ”enforced” dumbness, apathy,  complacency . . . we’re told WE RE THE Lucky Country often enough AND NOW “conned” into believing IT!

> The Tall Poppy Syndrome”  & works from the UN down !

but just My “perspective ! (?) > for what it’s Worth

> NOT necessarily designed for just another GOOGLE led “BLOG run
for “ranking points” !

but We do NOT Conform: to their irrelevancy anyway !
 . . . and one probably runs the risk being CANCELLED >
W3C “consensus rules” as per our web design
They change the “goal posts” at their whim
whom - - - - -
> more substantial ???

  just for review “PEER Review”
> by definition > “mutual ( & contrived ? ) consensus” by ”over-degreed” specialists often devoid of any idea of general interdisciplinary concepts
( & common sense sometimes ? ) > naivety /  still embedded into Educational Systems almost “everywhere” . . . !
right down to bigoted sexual redirection  and general ‘dumbing” down of
even now >“infants” and even proposed redefining of juvenile delinquency criminality, gradual legalization of out of control > “condoned” use of “hard drugs” ,
Why? future taxation “a la”  tax . . .  more-so opening up civil rights but appeasement > self-gratification towards acceptance of travesties of Governments and over-regulation subliminally being introduced  onto everyone !

Democracy by bribery (?)  control of “power by restriction” > distortion of “facts” > downright lies > indirectly education to the “lowest common denominator”
> namely “fascism” ! > one of the worst regimes of “all mankind” . . . something the extremists seems to aspire towards . . . a “death wish ?” > fatalism “
. . .  “as we are ALL doomed ” eventually anyway ! >>> “greed” >
so ! . . .  get in for your “chop” while you can ‘. . . mentality !

“Scare-mongering” from the top down > and the obvious “media bias” Does NOT Help “anyone” ! . . . except perhaps themselves !. . . short term ! . . . B 4 the inevitable . . . to them ! > hopefully !

Socialism ? has barely worked anywhere > in history !

The latest equal pay males / female ? justified t BUT Only IF on merit
but NOW for both the dumb ( bludgers ) and the intelligent alike > skilled employees extended to equal right for the “dole bludgers
Idealistically for them it should be applied to everyone from the top down !
> see how that would work ! “c’’’mon” Elon Musk . . . join the ”band-wagon” !
“buy out”
Australia and Do something worthwhile with it > perhaps ! 
B 4 the Chinese DO !
The British almost accidentally inherited Australia by unwillful “stealth” from 50,000 Year old virtually non consequential “original”  inhabitants until they conceded we were eventually worthwhile as a “potential quarry” of resources to be controlled indirectly by the “Monarchy” ALL under the pretext of a convict settlement ONLY > Originally !

Under evolving limitations or WW resources WE probably DESERVE a SIMILAR FATE If we rely on “faith”, ignorance or simply “lack the guts“
 to do something “more worth-while” with our Country > amidst increasingly intense competition for Our “god-given” over-abundant” resources
( relative to population . . . . )

. . . . and the established “democratic” principle of “buying ( bribery > corruption )” for votes ”a la” enhanced immigration of the illiterate & exploited ( “‘artificial” racial issues )
( “anyone” can nominate for racial benefits ! . . . & be a part of “THE VOICE” ? ) thru’ to personal exploitation of social welfare and even the NDIS “Scheme”)
> All condoned by vested interest within “political” parties

THE PERFECT ANSWER ? NO such thing !
& ALL a compromise !

But the first sign towards more sanity Is to realize THERE IS A PROBLEM !
THEN To Wake Up to it ! . . . to THESE “EX-tremists” !

World Over-population ??? cull Them FIRST B 4  WW111 happens & instigated
by THEM !
                    . . . but THAT IS  NOT Malthusian policy ! . . . either !

SO GOVTS> Fat Cats ? Bureaucrat even overpaid “head honchos
> Big Business exempt of responsibility > Unions & “collectively”

  • get YOUR Priorities RIGHT !
  • STOP the Concept of condoning “Built-in Obsolesence” let alone to actually encourage it
  • as You know GOVT gets 10% of EVERYTHING ; ( as GST ! )

    GOVTs are the source / cause in fact the  “sponsers” of INFLATION as a “sop” they did drop interest rates to 0% knowing cyclic manipulations could eventually pull it back even to 19%
    (?0 )as per the Bank Swindles of the Whitlam > Keating “eras” >
    ‘70s and 2008 “Financial Crisis” > probably manipulated as it was ! via > the US of A
    Talk about Nature” going in “cycles”
    NOW we’ve got another “saga” . . .
     Every State run by Labor the Unions hhhmmm ! the Chinese influence and even Albanese and more-so Andrews in Victoria !  . . .
                         IF there IS a GOD !  > GAWD! . . . Please Help Us !

    The LIBERALS > Other Parties  Would they ?
    Do THEY even want to  OR even inherit the mess ! being piled onto Us!  . . . obviously NOT ! . . . > Too Far Gone !

We are controlled by maybe a few per cent of  “ratbags” Greenies > Unionist or out-right D..k H..ds ”through” intimidation verging on blackmail to the “cringing” politicians that simply comply . . . by default ! . . .  to ‘sit out’ their
pre-planned retirement funds
Do a BAD JOB > then Retire early ! with a “golden handsake > to “piss-off” !


Democracy ! ?  YOU VOTED . . . YOU’ll SUFFER ! 

WE ALL DO ! Irrespective
DO WE DESERVE BETTER ? Do future Generations ?

  • INFLATION actually helps the cover-up of their “mistakes”
    RETHINK The concept(s) of . . .
  • Divisiveness to dumb-down > ingratiate voters with “hand-outs”
    & “inspire’ the “sit-down” mentality
                        the “Smart“ Market is “smarter than them” in fact ?
  • RETHINK CLIMATE CHANGE Play the Geological “ODDS”

YES IT WILL HAPPEN ! > Only a matter of time !

The (multi) Universe will eventually disappear > Halleluyah !
 ( but in literally a “trillion of Light Years’ . . .> so  get “up-tight”about THAT !
“Brian Cox” has said so . . . then it has to be true ! . . . he has literally a string of phDs to prove it ! . . . and he’s also on TV ! isn’t he !

until the next theory or computer model “Spits Out”
something different ?

Adjust “Society” according Cause > Effect to minimise THE consequences AFTER THE”BIG ”Event ( IF the improbable EVER Does happen to Happen !
WE will never stop “Tectonic Plate Shift reversal of Magnetic Poles and inevitable Earthquakes, Volcanoes and consequential “Tsunamis”
Yet Mankind is DOOMed by neglect bad-planinng knowing ALL these are inevitable

WE allow massive Cities in Earthquake zones on Fault Lines and populate coastal area the first consequences of Global Sea Rise

Even Our hero Tim Flannery speculated on Sydney Harbor shoreline property > hypocrite !) despite his predications > “Australian of the Year” awards etc
Australia still allows massive housing development in known “ flood zone areas” > catastrophic consequences > they should be accountable for associated mass deaths yet with WW clamour for reparation to consequences of “approved” Slave Trade over many centuries

George Orwell “1984” and Anthony Hopkins
The Inmates are In Charge of the Asylum) . . . has in fact come true !
But then again Da VINCIs “Technological” ideas eventually came true ( through copy-cat Innovation > inspiration ! ) and as inherent other technologies also came to fruition ! )

Bangladesh as a prime example

YOU will NEVER Stop Nature ! a la the “King Canute” ! . . . myth !

Control emissions by all means proportionately  . . . in due course > particulates via BushFire Control and smog which IS controllable with adequate regulation
 ( re “burn-backs” ) . banning 3rd World “cow dung” and “our” dirty coal-burning
> The UK completely eliminated smog in the ‘50s belatedly realising the consequences of their 200years of World Power > & domination beyond the
coal-based Industrial Revolution

CO2 along with O2 are the Molecule(s) and “the cycle” of ALL Life on EARTH !

Yes ! . . . Conserve OIl, Gas, Coal perhaps for other uses “plastics” ( but even these can be made with some compromises  from CO2 at HighTemp (>800degC) and >c ost. They WILL RUN out eventually ( again Nuclear > inevitable long(er) term re Minimising that cost !

BUT NOT Tomorrow
You have 100s perhaps a 1000 years or more of natural  reserves > untold reserves of NGMethane in the Arctic “Tundra” >& re-melts for some innovative Technology . . . 
Yes ! . . . long(er) term >Conserve OIl, Gas, Coal perhaps within reason !
for other “essential” uses like  “plastics”( but these can be made with some compromises  from CO2 at High Temp (  >800degC ) and >cost.
They ! WILL RUN out eventually ( again >Nuclear > re Minimising these high tech cost ! with needed catalysts ( ? only a partial “panacea” )

Certainly NOT in the near future! as per the “Doomsayers” > the “BlockHeads” the computer “fake” models might predict
 You have 100s perhaps a 1000 years or more of “proven”  natural  reserves > including that “nasty” Fracking Coal Gas” and Dans absurdity >paranoia

Fortuneately DH Dans  Day IS Coming . . . realtity IS sinlking IN!
but How do we avoid the “Vacuum created” simply attracting another “despot” or worse ! . . . perhaps another “Biden” ?

But MORE ! > “untold” reserves of NG / Methane in Arctic “Tundra” re-melts
( > the “Black Sea . . . for some innovative Technology ! . . .
just the pipelines and “the “will” and manpower to do it ! a big ??? . . .
but ONLY ! IF / When needed

Enough to at least power Russia / Canadafor ever“
. . . > then “U” can really panic

My Postulation ? . . . a few A-bombs strategically placed in the Arctic would Open up the North-West Passage” to WW > Russia / Canada  / Northern Europe Trade even for the USA ( via Alaska )
. . . a goal sought after by 100s of years of “ancient” explorers
Then even the ‘Belt & Road’ ? > would tend to fall over !

Talk about “terra-forming MARS” > on Elon Musk etc ( & Most improbable EVER ! ) ?

but you’d need better & more motivated Scientists to “model” that !
& come up with The High Tech Q&As required > but very improbable Worth the EFFORT > NO ! . . . & defintely NOT B 4 We fix up This Planet First !
( YES IT Has “naively” at least been considered ! ) NOT so far fetched compared to some current “Global Warming” Solutions” to THAT “hypothetical” problem !
NOR that concept to re-direct AWAY those potential “comet & meteorite” Impacts, predicted earthquakes > tsunamis into Earth

  • Sequestration of CO2 > NO !
  • premature “unplanned “replacement of cow shit ( 3rd World ) > coal > Gas
  • Blowing up coal & Gas Plants AND Associated infrastructure
    Australia “paranoia> The last Western Country  to actually STILL Ban even discussion of Nuclear Energy
  • Ill-placed “Renewables” Sites > prime Agricultural Land and non-costed Infrastructure requirement
  • > crazy considering destroying existing Electricity Grids and unnecessary duplication !> near-insane economic consequence
  • AT best Newables will NEVER replacles Coal>Gas>Nucleat mix of PEAK Energy POWER Need for Industry Growh and “

to The Contrary ! . . .

  • Strong Case for incressing CO2 levels to even 600ppM for even further “Greening of Our Planet EARTH” human existance”
    CO2 is “the Gas of Life” alongside O2 and water (& vapour)

ALL Possible EARTH CATASTROPHEs ARE Possible ! over time ! . . . inevitable in fact !
COST > BENEFIT > Consequences of ANY Solutions ? to THE Hypothetical !
Humans must Learn to Adjust . . . to accomodate ! . . . reality !
Hypocrits actually gain by false predictions ( land grabbing Ocean rise scares for example THE Al Gore > Tim Flannery - like “money grubbers”

  • As for CO2 sequestration NO! Forget IT .. . Do the sums > U idiots !
  • CO2 > probably 1000ppm would actually be Net  beneficial
    > “Greening the Planet”  but even that “modest” level is geologically most improbable !
    all now being proved by Satellite observation and increase in “crop yields” WW
    Human Healh > lifespans improve under “warmer” Climates > generally < a “proven” fact compared to “Cold”
  • NOte in the ‘70s a mini ICE AGE similar “scare” was predicted as being “imminent” 1000s of yeard alongside > Hunger>starvation WW - dramatically since proven absolutely wrong !
  • As a good as Australias OR ANY other BOM predicting ther day-to-day weather ( let alone long term Glbal Warminh > Climate Change ( now considered “bodgy” !ced !)

  • DO a sensible  > Cost > Benefit Analysis  > “U bean ccounters
  • Below ~ 180ppM CO2 Life on Earth would cease to exist > U dumb-arses !

IF you really need “Quantum Computers” . . .  > go for it !

but you’ll DO All those IT experts “pouring out” of Unis OUT of a job > short term at least ! > hard to see ANY  real justification for That !
. . .  just to add up Mum’s Grocery Bill ! . . . at least NOT Yet !

YOU don’t need to destroy World Economies in the process or depopulate or starve people Nor cull cattle ( re “farts” ) OR humans for that matter ! to solve what is most probably just another “money-raking”  ill-thought out > Ill-considered non-issue > & completely “out of context”
> & out of proportion > “a gross scare campaign” !
A cause of “run-away” inflation & the New Economic Theory(“scam”) just to cover-up their mismanagement and the corruption exacerbated
along the way !
Spend “ad finitum” > inflation AND “later Generations will pay for it eventually and WE lucky ! lucky ! Govts get the 10% GST as well anyway

DON”T tell me IT IS NOT Planned THAT WAY !
It’s just that I don’t have the Computer Model Nor the Funding
> Nor THE Power / Energy . . .  to do It !

DO the R&D within planned “reason” there are always
THE Unexpected techological “spin-offs” anyway !
to justify such a “Non-Event” “hypothetical” projects > Space Research colonisation > escapist “mentality” . . .  perhaps ?

Just another “Bubble” in th History of “contrived extortion”

The cosequence has Never been considered re public welfare unrest ? drugs > crime misdirected health Services > Cost misplace delayed > death for poor services etc incidental deaths cause by irrational pre-conlusions & largely extorted > “EXPLOIT THE FOOLS That happen or are simply “conned” to vote for YOU” through lies(?)THEY Deserve IT !
“User Pays” Policy ? > Tick

? > “whisper” “Tax per car kM travelled” instead of the petrol cost / tax
but get their hands off ”that” Computer “model” 
. . . then even I’d vote YES for THAT !

IF they want / need  their illogical needs > They Pay for IT !
& NOT EVERYONE ! for ”their stupidity”
> carry the “can” !

Get rid of TAX Havens for business the “Wealthy”  > “yrash” Billionaires”who can afford the “parasite” legalities !
Familiy Trusts” should be regulated > controlled equitably with out “siphoning” off-effects to nebulous “entities”

Everyone should be Mandated . . . TO BE ACCOUNTABLE
Even “DH” Dan has passed legistlation to that effect

but to the same laws and “Non-ambiguous” interpretation

with the “rider”. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO HIM

HE SIMPLY Forgets Anyway ! ” then intimidates to / for others
to agree ! etc etc > the “Enforcer” . . .  but to HIS “Whim” !

agree with his “consensus“ or GET CANCELLED  > an all too common strategy these days !

A bit like “Biden” at least that IS genuine and NOT just  a “ploy” for him

CUT OUT THE “TRASH” ! . . . in perceivable All context(s)

IF it leads to a more equitable spread of Wealth & Resources to undeveloped Countries not handout > but for positive productivity

QUESTION Where will CHINA in the ideal World  THEN Get its “Slave Labour
Interesting as living standards rise
” > birth rates decrease
. . . CHINA is starting to “age” > their oprblem 1.4 > 1.7billion by 2050
India IS the worry 1.4 Billion but still accelerating . . . return some of that British Empire “plunder” ( from the Monarchy  but despite any probably diversion ???

The original great Idea/concept ofBelt & Road”  “Initiative”was Not China’s Innovation at ALL but heavily promoted by LaRouche (ex VP-US who also backed FUSION R&D & “Star Wars
 in the ‘70/80s to No avail . . . from Any “colleauges”. NOw the “opportunist” Chinese are forcing down the throats of ”Africa”, South  America & Oceania generally maybe subliminally Victoria  > via Dan) and unwittingly Australia
 . . .with their “Ill-gotten” gains as a result

POWER Corrupts > Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely !

>  breeds arrogance > apathy > contempt > DOOM of ALL
”Empires” eventually when the masses get :pushed Too far >, wake up  > THEN Rebel ! agaistst THE imposed Tyrrany that’s inevitable ! proven by 1000s of years > History !

> Shit rises to the Top !,. . .  the fish “rots” from the head down
we ALL know that ! . . . the “stink” however “starts at the bottom” !

Unfortuneatly we the masses are still looking for sme sort of a “role model”
NOW “religions” is Gone ! we copy schemes that are proven to work
 . . . in our personal favour . . . IT IS CALLED GREED
. . . the EASY WAY OUT OF THE MESS I imposed on Us !
 . . . To HELL with the REST !

 The “Aussie” proposed concept of equal pay for “dumb or skilled” workers . . . . > should also be applied to politicians they are largely unskilled, even un-educated  untrained to a large extenent uselss
! . . . surely at least an IQ test should be Mandatory
 (&) often preferably NONE > is displayed !

but  preferably NONE ?  . . .  couldn’t be much worse

. . . get THAT Proposed for a REFERENDUM !
. . . & Good Luck on THAT !

*** Unlike The Monarchy€¯ we cannot believe

 . . . to assume this superstition ”God- given” ( preferential ) rights and inherited  delusions . . . without even the “common sense” to try and even nominally defend our position > Our Country !.
WE even  tend to denigrate those who have “the guts”€¯ to do so ( namely ex-Servicemen ) often naively against the stupidity of Our Powers that Be ! and often in the “name of religion” leading to the common belief of an “Anti-Christ” and being in fact  the “scourge of Mankind”

. . . ALL impossible / unbelievable  as it might seem !

We’ve even abrogated the use of Nuclear even for Energy Power let-alone the Nuclear Weapons “deterrent” which at least has staved off  WW111 so far !
by  consensus€¯ to perhaps some common sense€¯ ! fortunately by others ( the World SuperPowers€¯ or allowed potential upstart Countries ( like North Korea, Iran, Pakistan etc ? & Ukraine the previous guts€¯ of the USSR Nuclear industry has been effecively neutralised directly or indirectly by the Russia / USA / NATO / China / UN concilliation > accord ? !)
Russia and China are still playing games-manship€¯ with Nuclear bluff !)
THE GAME IS UP ! in this context “the smarts”€¯ now own in effect World Power
VIA extortion of World Economics and by stealth,. by infiltration and demoralization of Western Societies generally by “Any” and more subtle means
> political undermining, through extremist & religious fanaticism etc !

under the auspices of the “USA Nuclear non-proliferation policy” we are still gullible€¯ to and deluded protectionism concept !
The rest of the ( developed) WORLD has moved on through pragmatism
almost without exception but WE STILL PRETEND TO SET AN EXAMPLE
deluded as it IS ! . . . we > Australia are !. . . just the “laughing stock” of the World
ALSO Under the auspices and indirect pressure of that largely€¯ failed Organization . . . The UNITED NATIONS

undermined by it's own sense of the “Democratic Principle” and a haven
for despots evn on the Security Council with their “Nyet” over-rides

perhaps itself  the Ultimate Delusion€¯ . . . impractical as it seems !

A BETTER ANSWER ONLY “JC”€¯ Himself might perceive !

unfortunately even “THAT Faith” > IS / has been Fast Disappearing !

Under the reality of FACTS and SCIENCE Itself ! > and Our now “more Awareness” !

LIMITATIONS IN GENERAL! and THE Compromises required for OUR survival
 . . . “short term”€¯ AS IT  may be !

Or directed into “safe haven” off-shore or divested “ill-gotten gains” into the “grey” economy€¯ . . . > “money laundering”
Crime > the drug Industry estimated to be maybe 1/3 of WW GDP

and/or via THEIR beneficiaries directly of indirectly !

the “role model” is set at the top by a minority for all those Unconscionables

which many of us “underlings” simply try and copy . . . to emulate !

(my) Disclaimer  : Comments (here) and on our website(s) remain the views of the author personally ! interpret as you wish ?
 NO offence really Intended  !. . . . AND With ALL Due Respect !
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“off-the-cuff” above . . . needs some editing by a Rhodes Scholar maybe ? 
> even a bit dis-jointed perhaps ?

go for IT . . . but try & be constructive ! . . . If U can ? ( use my “Feedback” )

Above ALL a bit negative I realise

TRY and THINK Of  ANYTHING At All l that might YET prove at least a bit more Positive . . . in reality ! . . . in the Real World !

I DO have trouble finding even ONE ! . . . without “strings” attached !


CT >THE Science&Politics-m5

a perspective of “political reasoning” of Climate Change 2023-1 38min
Judith Curry Video "Relax, there is no climate emergency !"

some ANSWERs !

some ANSWERS > equally “hypothetical” NOT necessarily “woke” ! > Just “reality” NOT necessarily ”JUST MY paranoia !”

. . . unfortunately it seems there’s little GOOD left to fill the Vacuum
that “inevitably” follows ! . . . “ the Odds are certainly Against IT !

some Politics - Sorry NOT Here I Simply have NOT Got the Heart to disillusion YOU with Facts !

RE Socialism > Communism, Fascim , Nazism
more recently Islamist fanatacism > “terrorism “

THAT “Freedom of SPEECH” > Democracy “failure” ! NO ! > should be banned within Australia at least ! like Menzies 1951 attempt
 ( Referendum ONLY 49.3% loss ! but more probaly a “majority WIN +/- 60k votes )
Albanese huge “The VOICE” loss
> It’s time for Democracy to actually “stand up !
against the “tyrants” ”wake-up to themselves

THE Julia Hanson “remedy” . . . If YOU don’t like OUR Country AND Be prepared to “integrate Completely) . . . go HOME AND SUFFER ! . . . the “absolute”tyranny you may have escaped from >
                                    but Don’t bring YOUR “CRAP” Here !

BETTER > a Referundum on THAT NO Vote to
to ALL those “blow-in immigrants !

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