www.chromtech.net.au/sri gcs-.htm

some SRI GC Prices
( ~current 2022 ! )

SRI Installation Hints
08May20-194p.pdf 37.7Mb
15Apr20.pdf 1.6mB
some SRI VIDEOs Hints>U-Tube
SRI GC QuickStart.pdf
PeakSimple 302 QuichStart
some SRI Tech NOTES > ~2012

> www.chromtech.net.au/pdf2
> Cntrl-F “SRI” > ~120PDFs

see also SRI GC  SITE > ALL PDFs

SRI GC Manuals

from ~2002 > Models 8610C & 310>

SRIGC Manual Part 1 39p 10.8mB

Introductory matter, GC Quick Start, 8610C GC Chassis, 310 GC Chassis, and 110 Stand-Alone Detector Chassis. 

SRIGC Manual Part 2 39p 13.6mB

GC Installation and Preconfigured GC Systems

SRIGC Manual Part 3 39p 13.6mB

GC Detectors 

145p Flip Manual Part 1,2,3 147p

8610C Manual Part 1-GC Quick Start 2-Installation-Preconfigured Systems 3- GC Detectors 145p.pdf

SRIGC Manual Part 4  54p 14.5mB

Detectors (cont.), Methanizer, and Syringe Injectors

SRIGC Manual Part 5 43p 10.4mB

Injection valves, purge and trap concentration, and heated static headspace.

SRIGC Manual Part 6 54p 13.4mB

Autosamplers, PeakSimple Tutorials, and PeakSimple Software

Flip SRI Manual Part 4,5 107p FLIP-HTML5

8610C MANUAL  Detectors-cont 4-Methaniser SyringeInjector InjectonValves P&T 107p.pdf

SRIGC Manual Part 7 45p 13.4mB

PeakSimple Software (continued).

SRIGC Manual Part 8 59p 14.0mB

PeakSimple Data Systems(cont), Hydrogen Generator, and Maintenance.

Flip SRI Manual Part ,7,8 104p  FLIP-HTML5

PeakSimple DataSystems

SRIGC Manual Part  9 70p 15.2mB


SRIGC Manual Part  10 69p 8.5mB

Replacement Parts, Application Notes, and COBRA Vertical Autosampler Manual.

Flip SRI Manual Part 9,10 139p FLIP-HTML5


SRI GC MANUALS Only in Scanned Format ( low Quality & B&W Only unfortuneately ! FlipHTML5 limited to 150p MAX ( >limited RAM PCs ( File Sixe > ? unlimited >200Mbye PDF

CT >SRI GCs HELP > Manuals


Inside the SRI GC  PDFs > Videos(U-Tube

How to remove and install a column (MXT) ( in the SRI 8610C cannabis testing GC) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVhqJIOK6aY

Maintenance on the SRI TCD - replace filaments (34ohm =/- 0.2ohm ) : 2or4 filaments > replace one if other(s) matches The newone ! (~Aud120ea) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9RWiU8Ugqc

TCD Manual -  Filament Protect Circut ( 2015+ installed ) PDF pdf
Ensure Helium flow B 4 turning filaments ON ( purge GC Flow Sys for 10-20 minutes with He Carrier after GC> Off ( On stand by > NO Carrier eg on changing CG cylinder )

Diagnosing the Thermocouple out of Range Alarm (TORA)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV_dqO0Zf1E Video
> Check ALL LM324 Chips on Front Display PCB, All phone jack connections or for “broken” thermocouples > then call SRI !? ALL ALL TC socket on main PCBand. The TC themselves ( weld may be heat effected > sporadic > replace !
All Heat zones may be effected interactively via LM324 opAmp Chip > check & replace ALL if /as needed

SRI HeatBoardTroubleshooting - Dec2014.pdf
www.chromtech.net.au/pdf2/SRI HeatBoardTroubleshootingDec2014.pdf
 ( but maybe this even refers jointly to the SRI8610B GC ? )
ALL SRI GC Video Updated 2023-8

SRI GCs > Are  a complex but modular type “universal” type instrument

  • > regard any on-line HELP from  SRI as a Starting Point > but as a Guideline ONLY !
  • for more specific DIY Help ASK for ANY available Update(s) ! . . . a modicum of common sense and basic technical competence or “backup” assistence is recommended

    for More General HELP ( & some videos )
  • U-Tube currently is quite  GOOD for re self-Help U R Learning !
    AND B 4 U Even Start !
    SRI Manuals > are “generic”


Restek Literature generally is updated regularly > OLDER material is kept for
archive” Purposes - a Customer TECHNICAL Resource for U !
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Printed Catalogs R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek !

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