MGA#5 is a Unique SRI Configuration
SRI MG5 2016-Update18 ) acrobat (2.3Mb)
* MG5 Update Oct2022 *
-proposed upgrade SRI-EPC(s) radioactive license required ( for SRIs ECD ) !
> MG#6? * maybe?    ;& CT specs >>  MFC for SRI EPCs)

* to minimise air diffusion within the GC.
HighPurity mini Pressure Regulator (SS Diaphram recommended (or on Gas Cylinder)
Getter Gas Purifier ( mounted close to GC essential)
Silcosteel loop, columns & transfer line recommended >> ppB sensitivity 104 range linearity ?

  • TCD for ~100ppM LOD to (mid) percent
  • FID-Methaniser down to low ppM CO/CO2
  • HID for Trace Gas Analysis ( low ppM (SRI >10 ?)
  • S-Cpds requires a FID-FPD (optional)
  • HS-D maybe a limitation ( eg ethanol Max); OR may require other HaySep (Q, N, S etc ) columns for limited polar compounds . . .

    > also try > .
  • Restek MicroPacked HayeSep columns or PLOT Columns as options
    Dual Oven extra possibity 8619D as a MG#5 option ?
    MS in 2nd ( easier bake-out) > 250degC HS-D ( Max 200degC )

    Trace Gas Analysis (low ppB) -  a “custom” far more specialised
    App & specs
    > ASK! ( can use existing electromterer and pulse control box depending on SRI detector space available ! )
    - requires 3rd Det SRI-HID ( or VICI Valco miniPDD ?)
     > better for“trace” permanent gases  & a different format GC eg SRI 8610V
  • SRI HID ???  H2 > ASK SRI ? for specs re sensitivity - but  not necessarily recommended by SRI for “trace gas”
    - CT with Modes ( gas purity and NO EPC; SS Mass Flow Controller ! for . . .  ( MG5 proposed CT-Update ).
  • allows “quantitative ( H2 & O2/N2 (%) HID Matrix & Carrier Gas, High Purity Regulators & Getter Gas Purifier for LODs <10ppM ?
  • “SHINCarbon ST - DOES offer a one-column analysis \of O2/N2 CO/CO2 > but with compromises !
    BUT NOT without it’s own idiosynchrasies / problems
    eg AR / O2 No! / C2 max at >300C ?;
    O2/N2 requires LDV HID and > 4m Packed Column
    > SRI-TCD > marginal ?


Multi-Gas Analysis
- NO Simple Answers ! > many Options >

this applies to ALLGCs
& any OEM brand !

  • H2 Quantitation requires use of Argon Carrier Gas NOT He ( anomoulous non-linearity effects with H2 @ ~1-6% )
    ( non quantitaive peak reversl with He ( 1-10%)
  • > TCD/He almost useless requires low Dead-volume VICI HID Detector  for CAPILLARY PEAKs
  • Ar / O2 separation is very difficult and requires PLOT MS5A Column - some other  limitations
  • NEW  ! Methane CO2 elutes on micropacled Shincarbon HT ( 100/120# 0.75mmID 2m but TCS a limitation with deadvolme resolution loss for O2/N2 separation !
  • MS13X recommended for CO@ NOE ewltes ~175-200C but susceptible to legth bakeout occasionaly deoene on sample PPM and ware content
  • MS5A becomes deactivated if repetiitive runs and with excessive water/CO2 in matrix Gas
     > dual Oven 8610D optional (??? ASK!) re GasValves as well ? !
  • S-cpds can deactivate the Methaniser Answer ? ASK!
  • excess water / humid samples ( we suggest>  a Nafion Drier on the sample stream prior to GC )

ASK for some (more) ANSWERS !

    ASK for details (CT) / advice ! > but these are NOT necessarily just for SRI GCs TCDs / HIDs etc
but ALL OEM brands of GCs > Buyer B’where ! some OEMs can deliberately obscure the “technicalities > details” > called “marketing !

MGA#5 ConfigB
MGA#5 Options
MGA#5 Config

re SRI GC Design > Over complicated ?

 . . . out of necessity ! . . . ?

but see >Gas Analysis Hints !

New GSV Types 2021+ “iltra “HighTech”improvements + > PDF

  • COVID19 WW shortage of ‘chips” > “maybe” other  ? SRI to advise !
  • maybe for “trace” Gas Analysis > improved Rotors re “wear& tear“
  • & gas purging >essential for low ppB
  • 2022 SRI introduces a new range of Gas Valves ( some Helium purged )

CT SRI MGA#5 GCs Update 2021+

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SRI MGA-5 Update


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