SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 830

ccessory for injection of LPG,
refrigerants andother Pressurized liquids
When sampling a liquid such as the LPG
cylinder shown in thephoto, turn the cylin-
der upside down and allow several minutes
for the liquid to flow to the Liquid IN port
and out the exit to insure that the heater
and the loop are completely flushed out
with new sample. Depending on the length
and volume of the tubing used to connect
the cylinder to theGC, it may be prudent to
vent the tubingmomentarily at theLiquid
IN fitting ( loosen the nut to allow a leak )
in order to ensure fresh liquid is available.
The restrictor is appropriate for the 100-
200 psi pressure found in common pro-
pane tanks. Other types of liquid samples
may exist at higher or lower pressures, so
the flow ratewill change.
Remember that theGas IN port must be
capped off when the sample is connected
to the Liquid IN.
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