SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 818

Installation of theVacuumPump Interface on the
Run the fuseholder wire, thewhite
wire and .5meter long length of the
green/yellowwire out through the
hole in the chassis. Slide a sec-
tion of heat shrink tubingonto
eachwire before soldering to the
power jack.
The fuseholder wire is connected
to the terminal marked ‘L” ( line )
Thewhitewire is connected to the
terminal marked “N” ( neutral )
The green/yellowwire is soldered
to themiddle terminal which is
markedwith the ground symbol
Secure the jack in placewith two
screws and locknuts. Use a stick-
pad and tiewrap to secure the
fuseholder near the jack.
December 2009
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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