SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 290

NPD toFID conversion onSRI 8610C or 310CGC
Re-assemble theGC. You can
take the telephone cable that used
to be connected to theNPD bead
circuit and re-label it “Flame Ignite”
if youwish, then insert it into the
newly installedFID circuit.
Notewhich two terminals are used
to supply the voltage to theNPD
bead or FID ignitor. If youwish to
change thewire connections you
can, but it is not necessary. Just
put a sign on the top surface of the
GC so youwon’t forget which ter-
minal to plug theFID ignitor into.
Power up theGC and set the igni-
tor voltage as desired. Any volt-
age between 2 and 10 volts isOK.
We normally set the ignitor to –800
whichmeansminus eight volts.
This is sufficiently hot to ignite the
flame automatically and prevent it
from going out.
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