RtxPresentations07 - page 1050-1051

Using retention time indices specific to eachof the stationary
phases in combinationwith the abundance values&peakwidths
values from theVMS phase;model chromatogramswere
produced. Since column efficiencymay changewith each
stationaryphase –onlydifferences in retention timewill be
examined. The abundance andpeakwidth informationwas
loaded into the program toproduce sample chromatograms as a
visual aidonly.
The first step in the column comparisonwas todetermine the
effectiveness of EZ-GC
by comparing our knownVMS
chromatogramwith amodel. Retention timeswere collected for
these compounds under fast and slow conditions andwere
entered intoEZ-GC
. The application chromatogramwas
modeled using this fast/slow data. The diagrambelow shows
the difference between the actual chromatogram and themodel
to be 0.01minutes.
Rtx-VMSModel versusActual Analysis
1...,1030-1031,1032-1033,1034-1035,1036-1037,1038-1039,1040-1041,1042-1043,1044-1045,1046-1047,1048-1049 1052-1053,1054-1055,1056-1057,1058-1059,1060-1061,1062-1063,1064-1065,1066-1067,1068-1069,1070-1071,...
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