RtxPresentations07 - page 3682-3683

Qualitative identificationof a target compound byGC/MS is based
on retention time andon the comparison of the samplemass
spectrum to a referencemass spectrum. Identificationof compounds
uses three ions of the greatest intensity. The quantitation ion is
usually the highestm/z fragment and is used for determining
concentrations of a particular analyte. It is important that there be no
coelutionbetween compounds shaing ions used for quantitation. As
long as unique quantitation ions canbe selected for compounds that
share retention time, chromatographic coelution is acceptable.When
using any column forGC/MS, attentionmust be given to coeluting
compounds to determine if acceptable quantitation ions canbe
found. This paperwill examine optimized conditions on four
different stationaryphases for suitability byEPAMethod 8260.
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