RtxPresentations07 - page 3680-3681

ManyGC stationaryphases have beenused for the analysis of
volatile organic compounds byUSEPAMethod 8260.With an
ever-expanding target list, and the availabilityofmany
stationaryphases, choosing the correct column canbe difficult.
Every stationaryphase has limitations, whether related to
temperature range, stability, or selectivity. Selectivity
limitations canbe a functionof sample-specific compounds that
share common ions for quantification.
This paperwill examine the performance of various stationary
phases, withvaried sample concentrations, involatiles analysis,
andwill include example chromatograms for situations for
which each column is best suited. Compound identifications,
purge and trap conditions, interfering ions, andother factors
specific to theGC/MS analysiswill be presented.
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