RtxPresentations07 - page 3676-3677

• Proprietary backbone stabilized polysiloxane designed for toxic
dioxin and furan analysis byGC-HRMS
• 340maximum operating temperature in standard fused silica
• Can be used as secondary confirmation column for Rtx-Dioxin,
or other primary columns like 5% diphenyl phases
• Can function as single column for stand-alone dioxin and furan
analysis – and has been accredited for use as such
– CliveRobinsonALSEnvironmental –QueenslandAustralia
• Chromatographically separates the chlorinated diphenylethers
from the furans – especially important in biotamatrices
• Columns available:
– Cat #10758 - 60MX0.25mm i.d. X0.25umd.f.
– Cat #10759 - 40MX0.18mm i.d. X0.18umd.f.
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