RtxPresentations07 - page 3404-3405

GCanalysis of flavor systems canbea time-consuming task. Becauseof the
complexity of the separations, dual column systems oftenare required to
resolveall of the target components. Inaddition, becauseof thewide rangeof
boilingpoints, ovenprograms coveringawide rangeof temperatures oftenmust
beused. Thiswork shows two approaches used to speedup chromatographic
separations. Fast ovenprograms canbe reproduciblymaintainedusingan
auxiliary heatingunit. This can result in significant reductions in run time, as
longas the resolutionof critical component pairs canbemaintained. Formore
complex systems that aredifficult to completely separateonone typeof
stationary phase, Stop-FlowGC canbeapowerful means of “tuning” the
separations, withminimal hardwaremodifications required.
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