RtxPresentations07 - page 2206-2207

Developing anOrganophosphorusColumn
Indeveloping aGCcolumn for organophosphorus pesticide analysis,
the column shouldbe capable of separatingUSEPA8141
compounds, serve as a companion column to columns such as the
Rtx-OPPesticides, andhave a total run time of 20minutes or less. In
addition, it shouldbe compatiblewithGC/MS analysis (i.e. low
bleed, and able to chromatographically resolve compoundswith
similar spectra).
Traditional column selectionhas involved asking a “senior” person in
the laboratory, consulting a columnmanufacturer’s applications
matching the polarityof the column to the compounds of
interest or trying to force the separationonto an existingphase.
modern column selection involves columns and
stationaryphases that are designed around applications.
phases and columns can be developed for a target separation.
approach requires anunderstandingof and the ability tomodel
analyte-phase interactions.
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