RtxPresentations07 - page 2204-2205

Organophosphorus pesticide (OPP) analysis is common in agricultural analytical
With the decline of organochlorine pesticide use, OPPs have become
increasinglypopular as the active ingredients in insecticides. In addition, theyare
used in termite treatments, lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect sprays and baits,
and inpet flea collars and sprays.
Testingof agricultural products is required
because of potential health risks associatedwith these compounds.
The gas chromatographic (GC) analysis ofOPPs is demandingbecause some of the
compounds are light and temperature sensitive. In addition, specialtydetectors (e.g.
the nitrogenphosphorus detector or flame photometric detector) and dual-column
analyses are required inOPPmethods inorder toobtain low-level detection and
This presentationwill discuss a primaryand confirmational column
set developed for the analysis ofOPPs.
The phaseswere developed using a
proprietaryphasemodeling software program, which aids in the optimizationof the
phase chemistry, filmthickness, and columndimensions.
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