SGE-SyringesGuide012 - page 13

Metal Plungers for
NanoVolume Syringes
• Always loosen needle cover nut before
removing or inserting plunger.
• Wipe plunger with a lint-free tissue before
replacing into the syringe.
• A heated syringe cleaner is recommended
for cleaning needles and plungers of
NanoVolume syringes.
PTFETipped Plungers
• Avoid unnecessarymovement of plungers
when the syringe isdry.
• Replacement PTFE tipped plungers are
Needle Care
Unblock ing needles:
1. Tounblock theneedle, remove theplunger
and fil l the syringe with solvent using
another syringe.
2. Insert plunger and gently push solvent
through the needle. Never force the
plunger as too much pressuremay crack
the syringe barrel.
SGESyringeCleaning Accessories:
Needle Cleaning Kit (Part No. 031782):
kit containsa range of stylet wi res for needle
cleaning, tweezers and a surfactant material
for barrel cleaning (see page 71).
Heated Syringe Cleaner (Part No. 037780,
A heated syringecleanerwill remove
useful for syringe cleaning when performing
traceanalysis (see page 70).
Syringe Use
• Always inspect the syringe before use.
Check the barrel for cracksand the needle
tip for burrs.
• To eliminate carryover between samples,
flush the syringe with solvent 5-20 times,
remembering to discard at least the first
• To eliminate air bubbles from the barrel,
repeatedly draw and expel sample while
keeping the needle tip immersed in the
solution. Bubbles can also be removed by
turning the barrel upright while expelling
some of the sample. If bubbles persist,
slow theaspiration speed.
• To make an injection, overfill the syringe
then press the plunger until the correct
volume is reached. Draw the plunger back
slight ly then wipe theneedle tip with a lint
free tissue. Make injection. For improved
precision, syringesmaybepurchasedfitted
witha repeating adaptor,which allowsthe
volume to be preset on the syringe.
• Before storage always rinse the syringe in
solvent and air dry.
Click here to view
SGE's 'Syringe Care'
video that explains
syringe manufacture,
care and optimal use
when performing GC
. Syringe Brilliance
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Technical Informati on
Syringe Care, Maintenance and Use
Analytical Science
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