SGE-SyringesGuide012 - page 10

Metal or PTFETipped Plunger?
A syringewitha PTFE tipped plunger should beselected
whenanalyzing "dirty" samplessuchasserumandurine.
ThePTFEtipminimizescarryover andpreventsparticulate
matter from getting between the plunger and barrel by
effectivelywiping the barrel inner diameter during the
plunger stroke. PTFE t ipped plungers are suitable for
both liquid and gas samples. Syringeswith PTFE tipped
plungers have the added benefit of the plungers being
replaceable asthe PTFE wearsdue to use.
SuperfleX'" Flexible Plunger
• Made from Titanium/Nickel alloy.
• Virtually indestruct ible plunger.
• Ideal for student use.
• Capacities: 5
and 10
SGEPlunger Options:
Metal plungersare individually fitted to thesyringe glass
barrel for a perfect "feel", optimized life with minimal
carryover, a liquid tight seal between the barrel and
plunger and excellent performance.
• Extended protection from the top of the syringe back
flangeto helppreventplungerbendingduring injection
and improve plunger stroke.
• Ideal for general use for both experienced and
inexperienced users.
• Capacities: 5
and 10
(not necessary for capacities
larger than 10
due to strengthof thewider plunger
• Extended barrel guidesplunger during injection.
• Robust and rugged.
• Ideal for student use.
• Capacities: 5
and 10
• Stainless steel plunger individually fitted to its own
• Plunger isnot replaceable.
• Industry standard syringe for chromatography
• Forusewhen injection volume isgreater than 1
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PTFE TippedPlunger
• Suitable for both liquid and gassamples.
• Plunger is replaceable.
• Ideal for "dirty" samples.
• Suitable for gasor headspaceapplications.
• Easy to removeand clean to extend plunger life.
• Capacities: 10
to 100mL.
NanoVo/ume (plunger-in-needle)
• Plunger extends into the needle tip.
• Sample is contained only in the needle, i.e. no glass
• Ideal for dispensingvery small liquid volumes.
• Recommended for use when sample volume is less
than 1
• Capacities: 0.5
and 5
Special Purpose Syringes
SGEmakesa rangeof special purposesyringes:
• On-column syringes for direct injection into a GC
• Solid sample syringes for injecting solidswhen using
SGE's Pyrojector II'".
• High-pressuresyringesforHPLCandotherapplications
where thesyringe isexposed to elevated pressures.
• Jumbo syringes- 500 mL, 1 Land 2 Loften used for
air sampling.
Custom Needles and Syringes
If you are not able to find a needle or syringe to meet
your needs please contact your local SGE distributor
or office.
E Analytita,Scier.ce
Syringe Selection
~HROIIII""" .J'~Ic:
+61(0)3 97622034 AustralianDistributors
Website NEW :
E-mail : Tel: 03 9762 2034 • •• In AUSTRALIA
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