MRC-2013-Catalog - page 499

Whole blood, plasma or serum (Sosm):
Monitor hypo and hypernatremic states.
Monitor effectiveness of fluid therapy such as 5%
dextrose solutions.
Detect and monitor over hydration and
Diagnose and monitor diabetics, especially
diabetichyperosmolal non-ketonic coma
Lactic-acid monitoring in shock-trauma patients.
Reaffirm BUN, glucose and electrolyte value.
Detection of the onset of acute renal disease.
Monitor antidiuretic hormone (ADH) activity.
Monitor effectiveness of diuretic therapy
especially Mannitol.
Monitor polyuric states.
Detect diabetes insipidus.
OSM-9, Osmometer
The OSM-9 is a compact micro processor controlled
analyzer for easy and precise osmolality tests in samples of
serum, plasma, urine or other body fluids.
OSM-9 model has hi-tech user interface:
Observation of the sample freezing process with
immediate information regards result correctness.
Available measurement results history with printout of the
single result or of many chosen measurement results.
Active result printout description.
Service panel with service tests.
Displaying in Polish/English/German/French.
Date and time setting.
The microprocessor control and built in electronic
components with high long term stability make the
OSM-9 an analyzer of easy application & reliable results.
Simple operation: The OSM-9 makes the running of the
osmolality test very easy. 100μl of the sample are Pipette
into a sample tube. The sample tube is attached to the
measuring head. The measuring head is pushed down into
the cooling chamber. Now the measuring cycle starts
automatically. When the measuring is terminated, the
measuring head returns to its upper position again, and the
result is digitally displayed in mOsm/kgH2O.
1-point calibration - the 1-point-calibration
requires distilled water only, and is one of the most
practical features of this analyzer. The calibration
values are automatically calculated and stored in
the microprocessor memory.
Automatic work - the OSM-9 needs only a sample.
The microprocessor control and built in electronic
components with high long term stability.
Ready to work - ca. 5 min; short measuring time
- 1.5 min
High precision (± 0,5%) and reproducibility
(better then 0.5%) results.
Disposable tubes do not require clearing and
Low operating cost.
1-point calibration
0 mOsm/kgH2O
thermoelectric (Peltier effect)
Sample volume
100 μl
Measuring range
0÷2000 mOsm/kgH2O
1 mOsm/kgH2O
± 0.5%
better then 0.5%
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