MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 427

Operating Instructions WBL-118 Refrigerated bath and circulator
The inlets of fresh air and outlets of exhausting air of the equipment shall be kept clear of any
obstacles, so that no close-loop of the air circulating may develop.
If no external circulating is necessary, use hoses, fittings and couplings to short-circuit the liquid
connections as for an external application system!
The equipment is not applicable for specimen or application system which develops tremendous
energy as result of reacting, dissolving or mixing under operating temperature range for normal
2.2.3 The immersion controller
Fig 3
Fig 3 The immersion controller
Independent safety temperature
limiter (STB)
Heater coil
Temperature sensor Pt100
Pump outlet with connection to the
external circulating kit
Pump inlet
External circulating return with flow
The connection to the pump outlet and external circulating kit shall be hydraulically tight! Loose
connection may result in hazard of liquid spray!
The pump inlet shall be clear of any obstacles! The minimum distance for the pump inlet to the bath
bottom shall be 20mm. Sometimes a piece of paper mark from the specimen, gauze or collection
of dirt may block the flow of the pump and circulation, resulting in degradation of performance
and overheating!
The flow rate and direction at the external circulating return may also influence the performance and
safety of the equipment! Reduced flow may produce an uneven circulating of the liquid and
temperature distribution, while strong circulating may lead to overflow or splash of the liquid! Flow
adaptor or limiter may be used for proper adjustment of the flow rate and direction.
The independent safety temperature limiter (STB) is important for safety. The STB is incorporated for
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