MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 424

Operating Instructions WBL-118 Refrigerated bath and circulator
Flexible hoses, fittings and couplings are important for the safe operation of the equipment; Use only
hoses, fittings and couplings provided with the equipment or recommended by MRC!
The ratings of pressure and temperature for the hoses, fittings and the jacket, container or heat
exchanger of the application system, their chemical resistance to the heat transfer liquid shall
meet requirements of the operating temperature and/or pressure range of the heat transfer liquid
to be delivered by the equipment!
Thermal insulation for hoses, fittings, couplings and the application system is important for
performance and safety! The materials of the insulation shall meet the requirements of the
maximum operating temperature range!
Keep the cables and wiring protected by conduit and/or hose and well secured; keep them clearly away
from direct contact with any exposed heated parts of the equipment and application system!
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