Falcon CALIDUS microGC -012 - page 6

Why did the producers of the
choose the name
for their company and the name
for their first
proprietary analyzer?
has been a symbol of speed
and power for centuries. Falconry, theuse of birds of prey in hunting,
dates back to the year 2000B.C. Becauseof its strength, intelligence
andmaneuverability, theFalconwas always prized among thosewho
huntedwithpowerful birds.
ThePeregrineFalcon can reach speeds over 200mph (320 km/h) in a
dive and flying speeds of up to 120mph (192 km/h), making it the fastest
animal on the planet. Highly versatile and adaptable, theFalcon canbe
found nearly everywhere onEarth.
TheFalcon is compact, with a body lengthof 13 to 23 inches (34 to58
centimeters). TheFalcon is light, with the heaviest examples of the
speciesweighing only about four pounds. TheFalcon is reliable and
devoted. Itmates for life.
TheCalidus Falcon (
may be the heartiest and
most adaptableof all theFalcons, ranging from theArctic toSub-
SaharanAfrica.While some races of Falcons have been seriously
threatened by environmental challenges, theCalidus has continued to
thrive in all environments. Symbolic of theportability of theanalyzer
bearing its name, theCalidus is fullymigratory,moving from its
northernmost range to its southernmost habitat with the turn of seasons.
It is easy tounderstandwhy this company chose theFalcon and the
Calidus subspecies to symbolize their enterpriseand their extraordinary
newgas chromatographic analyzer.
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