Falcon CALIDUS microGC -012 - page 10

Model 101
Model 101HT
Model 201
Model 301
Model CS
5CALIDUSModels combinevarious standardmodules toprovidegeneral or specific applications andexpandedmeasurement
capabilities. Eachof thesemodels canbe installedas aplugandplaymodulewithin theCalidusprocess analyzer enclosure.
CALIDUSModel 101 -
3modules, aSampleProcessingUnit, aProgrammedTemperatureColumnModuleanda
DetectorModule interfacedwith theChromPerfect chromatographydata systemand fully integratedwith LineUp
runningonaWindowsPC. Theusermay select either amicro FIDor TCDandoneof theavailabledifferent PTCMs
to separateandmeasure fixedgasesandhydrocarbonsup toC
CALIDUSModel 101HT -
a101withaPTCMusingHighTemperatureMXT-1HTSimDist columnandamicroFID
module specifically for determinationof boiling rangedistributionof petroleumproducts andbiodiesel
formulationsup toC
inboilingpoint. Theanalyzer is interfacedwith theChromPerfect chromatographydata
system, SimDis2000 software, and fully integratedwith LineUp runningonaWindowsPC. AnASTMmethod for
UltraFastMicroGC2887 is currentlyunder development basedon theCALIDUSModel 101HT.
CALIDUSModel 201 -
4modules, 2PTCMs in serieswithoneSampleProcessingUnit andoneDetectorModule
interfacedwithChromPerfect chromatographydata systemand fully integratedwith LineUp runningonaWindows
PC. Thereare twomajor advantages forhaving twoPTCMs in series. First is theability to leverage selectivityof
different stationaryphases. And second, is virtuallydoubling the column length for evengreater separationpower
up toC
CALIDUSModel 301-
5modules, aSampleProcessingUnitwitha single injector connected toa splitterdividing the
samplebetween twoPTCMs inparallel, eachwitha singlemicro FIDor TCDDetectorModule. TheModel 301
handleshydrocarbon sampleswithawide rangeof boilingpoints andawide rangeof concentrations (% toppm)
withbetter separationand faster analysis allwithout complicatedvalve schemes and resultant additional hardware.
CALIDUSModel CS (ColumnSwitching) -
5modules, aSampleProcessingUnitwitha single injector connected toa
6-port diaphragm/plunger columnvalve, twoPTCMs inparallel, and twodetectorModules. Thismodel canbe
plumbed toperformheartcutting fromonePTCMwith itsownFIDor TCDDetectorModule toa secondPTCMwith
itsownFIDor TCDDetectorModule. Backflushing configurations areavailable too. Thismodel isused for analysis
wherea specifieddiscretehydrocarbon (s)must be separatedandmeasured fromadefined streamor sample
composition typicallywithina required time framewithoptimum selectivity (up toC
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