Falcon CALIDUS microGC -012 - page 74-75

Outline of Presentation
NeSSI, microGasChromatography andChemometrics are still (after all these years)
considered new technology.
Thought leaders andearly adopters alikeare excited, make lots of positivenoise
about thesenew technologies and have implemented to an extent, a limitedextent.
However, to reach genuine commercial viability for the technologies, some dragons
must be slain.
While light gasNeSSI systems arewidely accepted, reliabilityand robustness of
NeSSI usemust bePROVEN for “heavy liquids” in the eyes of large scaleusers.
Depth and breadth of microGC applicationsmust bePROVEN tomeet or beat
requirements of the old traditional GCs.
Chemometric applicationsmust bePROVEN to be useful in the hands of the
average user.
Here are real world and very useful applications of the triangular
relationship of the technologies.
A batch approach to automated process analytical chemistry
Amicro scalebioreactor continuousmonitoring system
UltraFast ASTMD-2887 at-line& potential for on-lineuse
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