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PDF PDF <12p >OK

Chemical Detection - DET- Overview 2010

Detection Principles PDF acrobat-but Ion Sources PDF Modes PDF
some Theory of DPD,TID-1,CFID PDF

Latest DET REPORTS acrobat-but  May 10;
July 11 (DET ceramic vs Agilent Glass beads/ problems

More Reports & H’ware

GC Equipment PDF Recent Literature PDF

TID-1-N2(O2) PDF
TID-1 using Varian Electronics PDF


DET Update 2009 18p2010+UPdate 79p

Flip-Book FLIP-2

Overview 08/09
Parts List 2006 PDF 6p
DET 2011 Adv/Lit
PDF 2p

DET PitCon 2011-Overview PDF

Latest DET Reports

DET REport June2014

novel applications of the principles of  THERMIONIC SURFACE IONIZATION ( and FLAME IONIZATION )

CERAMIC ION SOURCES (Beads) for the NPD (Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector) and OTHER TID (Thermionic Ionization Detector) MODES,
REPLACEMENTS for the AGILENT 6890/7890 NP ION SOURCE (Highest Quality, Best Performance, Lowest Cost,
Unlimited Shelf Life).
A family of different ceramic coatings provides an easy change from one mode of selective detection to another using the
same basic equipment.
 ION SOURCES is available for any DET, Agilent, Thermo,
SRI, or other brand NPD.

( CCID )
for the selective detection of METHYLENE functional groups
in Petroleum, Biodiesel, and FAME samples
with differentiation between saturated and unsaturated Carbon bonds.

DETECTORS for GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - hardware designed for
custom retrofit onto the existing FID or NPD base on
 various GC models
(e.g., Thermo Trace, Agilent 6890, Varian 3800, SRI 8610, HP5890)
 - features a concentric cylinder geometry for stream-lined gas flow
and optimum ion collection efficiency
 - (NEW combination of DET Hardware and versatile
Thermo Trace NPD Electronics provides unrivaled interchangeable
capability for all modes of NPD and TID detection).
 - inexpensive, portable size size GC features novel thermionic detection techniques,
0.32 mm fused silica column and simple interchangeability from one detection mode to another.


Outstanding Features:

  • multiple modes of detection (NPD, PTID, TID-1, TID-3, TID-5, FTID, FID, Remote FID, Tandem TID)
  • unique selective responses to heteroatom compounds (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Oxygenates, Halogenates, Nitro-compounds, Lead, Tin, Silicon) and Pyrrole vs. Pyridine functional groups.
  • inexpensive, simple equipment design, easy to operate
    and maintain.

DET Transducers & H’ware

  • DET NPD/TID/FID Retrofits
    for Different GC Models PDF acrobat-but



Reactor Thermionic Ionisation Analysis (RTIA) PDF acrobat-but
. . .
selective TID/NPD transducer screening of vapors evolved from THERMAL DESORPTION/OXIDATION of nonvolatile liquid residues or solid sample constituents

NPD Ceramic Ion Source LIFETIME Considerations PDF acrobat-butUnique to DETImproved Design
: Unlimited shelf-life NOT moisture sensitive
: ceramic NOT glass ( problematic )
Constant Current Preferred
1500 Hours continuous Use
Wide range of  Signal and S/N depending on H2 Flow and current

DET Recycle Beads PDF

DET Retrofit TID for Different GCs PDF

DET Ceramic Beads PDF

DET Catalytic Combustion Ionisation PDF

DET retrofits consist of a stainless steel /ceramic tower custom mounted on the existing FID/NPD base on the GC
The tower can accommodate DET hex flanged ion sources such that the ion source is positioned on the axis of a collector electrode cylinder.
This concentric cylinder geometry provides a streamlined gas flow through the detector, and an optimum electric field for
 ion collection.
For a complete detector, add an Ion Source (USD350) to the following assemblies

ASK for Current AUD Prices depends on XR AUD”USD

 NPDITID/FID Tower Assembly, part #010-860-55, $1800 USD.

 DET hardware and ion sources are compatible with Thermo's NPD electronics which provides Constant Current ion source heating and a wide range of polarization voltage selections. This combination of DEThardware and Thermo NPD electronics provides the most versatile NPDITID detection currently available. Different modes of detection are achieved by simple changes in the type of ion source, and in the type of detector gases.

 NPDITID/FID Tower Assembly, part #010-860-20, $1550 USD.

DET hardware and ion sources are compatible with Varian's TSD electronics which provides Constant Current ion source heating at a fixed polarization of -4 V.
For modes of detection other  than NPD, a stand-alone DET Constant Current Supply provides a selection of higher polarisation voltages which provide more sensitive detection than the Varian supply.
Optional DET Current Supply, part #001·901-01 (115Vac), $1760.

 NPDITID/FID Tower Assembly, part #050-864-98, $2350 USD.

DET hardware is compatible with signal measurement using SRI's FID/NPD amplifier. DET ion sources with a bare wire termination can be powered with SRI's NPD electronics, but setting power levels is not very user friendly.
An improvement is to use the stand-alone DET Current Supply described above, and ion sources with a Twinex connector . . . as is standard on Agilent, Thermo, and Varian instruments.
HP 5890 (same equipment fits the FlD base on an Agilent 6890)

NPD/TID/Remote FID/FTID Tower Assembly, part #040-862-12, $1850 USD.
DET hardware is not compatible with the 5890 detector electronics,so the stand-alone DET Current Supply and a stand-alone Electrometer (Keithley 6480 Picoammeter recommended) are required.
In addition to NPD and TID modes, this equipment can be used
for a Remote FlD mode for selective detection of P, Sn, Pb,
and Si, or an FTID mode for selectivity to N and CI. DET Current Supply as above, USD1760; Keithley Picoammeter, $1800.USD

DET Innovations
in Chemical Detection

some DET Transducer Structures some DET Transducer Structures PDF 15p acrobat-but
Example and Applications
. . . see below

DET Structure Examples p1-4
Schematics p5-6
PTID - enhanced Signal for P - suppressed N response. p7
RTIA - Reactor Thermionic Ionisation Analyser p8
FID & HWCID & CFID - universal response to ALL Organics
TFID Thermionic /FID

Principle of Detection : Samples combusted in a H2-CH4-Air flame. Electronegative combustion products re-ionised by thermionic surface ionisation downstream of the flame
FTID-2 Halogen Selective p14

Principle of Detection
: Samples decompose in an ignited
H2-Air chemical boundary layer around a hot thermionic surface.
High H2 and Air flows suppress N response and provide very
large P signals
PTID Phosphorus Selective p11

TID-1 and TID-3 : modes of detectuion are simple, inexpensive modifactions  of Agilent 6890 or DET NPD equipment. Both operated with a detector environment of either N2 or Air ( NO H2 required ) depending on the selectivity required.
The ceramic coated TID-1 source is electrically heated to an operating temp of 400-600C, while TID-3 is 600-800C.
Both ion sources are polarised at -45V with respect to the surrounding ion collector.
Ion source polarisation and heating power are provided by a stand-alone
DET Constant Current Supply module
TID-1 and TID-3 ion source configurations fit into the Agilent 6890 NPD equipment and into DET NPD equipment designed to mount onto HP5890, SRI8610C or Varian GCs.
Negative ion detection signals can be measured with the Agilent 6890 NPD elctrometer, Varian TSD electrometer, SRI FID/NPD electrometer or with a DET electrometer.

Tandem NPD and TID-1 : drugs; cocaine (NPD), Heroin (TID-1) p11
- Best  N Detectivity p11
TID-3 : Selectivity for Trihalomethanes p13, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers
TID-1 Oxygenates p12
- ethanol in gasoline
- Carboxylic Acids - Nitro Cpds - explosives,DNPF-aldehydes, MethylParathion, 4-Nitrophenol  p11
- Trace Water in Solvents and Petroleum Samples
 Silcon p13

An Extensive LIBRARY of Selective Detection Applications

  • sub-picogram detection of NP pesticides and drugs ( NPD )
  • exceptional femtogram sensitivity for Nitro explosives liek2,4-Dinitrotoluene and TNT, as well as Nitro pesticides like Methyl Parathion
    (TID-1 mode )
  • sub-picogram detection for some Halogenated pesticides like Heptachlor, Dieldrin, Chlordane, Pentachlorophenol, Atrazine (TID-1 mode )
  • low picogram detection of Trihalomethane purification byproducts in drinking water (TID-3 mode )
  • Selective detection of Ethanol and other alcohols in Petroleum and Biofuels ( TID-1 N2 mode )
  • selective detection of Acetic, Formic and other carboxylic acids in Wine
    and other food and flavor analyses (TID-1 mode )
  • selective detection of linear chain Hydrocarbons and FAMEs
    in petroleum and biofuels with discrimination between saturated
    and unsaturated Carbon bonds ( Catalytic Combustion ionisation )
  • picogram detection of BisPhenol A (BPA) and phthalates in food packaging products (TID-1 mod )
  • detection of glycerol and Glycols in wine and food products
    ( TID-1 Nitrogen )
  • detection of Poly Brominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) flame retardants used on packaging for computiers and other commercial products ( TID-3 mode )
  • selective detection of Lead and Tin in environmental samples
    ( remote FID )
  • low picogram detection of Vanillin and Salicylates in food flavorongs
    ( TID-1 mode )
  • detectio of trace Water in solvents and petroleum samples
     ( TID-Air mode )
  • simple detection of the buildup of decomposition products in motor oil versus automobile usage miles of the oil
     ( TID-a-Nitrogen mode )
  • selectiive detection of Acrylamide in processed food products (NPD)

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