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Printed Catalogs
  R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek ! ( latest was 2015-16 ! > & here on-line ! )

Videos - Help tell our Custom DPS GC Story!

Natural Gas Companion 2 Portable GC VideoNatural Gas

PermaGas + Hydrocarbons Companion 2 Portable GC Video Perma +HCs

PermaGas + Sulfur Compounds Companion 2 VideoPermaGas -S
Portable GC

Sulfur markers in Fuels  Video S Markers
Companion 2 Portable GC

Mud-Logging Companion 2 Portable GC Video Mudlogging

BTEX Companion 1 Portable GC Video BTEX Portable

BTEX in Air Series 600 Lab GC

TOGA Transformer Oil Gas Analysis Video TOGA

TOGA 2 Series 600 Automated Video TOGA 2 - Auto
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis

Packaging Contaminants Companion 2 Video TOGA 2 - Packaging Contaminants Portable GC

some Greenhouse Gas “potential” see DPS MicroTCD  Tick ??? > ASK ?

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Consumer Products
All of these Consumer Products Applications can be analyzed using one of the Custom GC configurations of the Series 600 Lab GC.
However, the vast majority can also
be analyzed using the Companion 1, or the Companion 2 Portable GC Systems.Best of all, each of these Custom GC Systems gives the same great results.
So, whether your analyzing in the Lab, or in the factory, or out in the field,
you can rest assured that your Consumer Products results will always be consistent.

Foods, Flavors&Fragrances PDF PDF23
Alcohol & Spirits GC
Chiral Separations GC
Cleaning Solvents GC
Cork Taint GC
e-Cigarette GC
Essential Oils GC
Fatty Acids GC -Fatty Acid Methyl Esters
Flavors & Fragrances GC
Food Contaminants GC
Fruit Ripening GC - Ethylene
Packaging Contaminants GC
Personal Care Fragrances GC
Preservatives GC
Sterols GC
Sugar Alcohols GC
Triglycerides & Fats GC

Each of these Environmental Applications can be analyzed using one, or more of the Custom GC configurations of the Series 600 Lab GC.However, the vast majority can also be analyzed using the Companion 1, or the Companion 2
Portable GC Systems.
Above all, each of these Custom GC Systems gives the same great results
So, whether your analyzing in the Lab,or in the factory, or out in the field,
you can rest easy knowing that your Environmental results will always be consistent.

Environmental PDF 27p PDF23

Air Analyzers GC
Diesel Range Organics GC
Disinfection By-products GC
Environmental Pollutants GC
Explosives GC
Gasoline Range Organics & BTEX GC
Greenhouse Gases GC
Nitrogen/Phosphorus Pesticides GC
Organochlorine Pesticides GC
Phthalates GC
Polychlorinated Biphenyls GC- PCBs
Semi-Volatiles GC
Soil Gas GC

Every one of these Petrochemical Applications can be analyzed using one
of the Custom GC configurations of the Series 600 Lab GC.
In addition, almost all can also be analyzed using the Companion 1,
or the Companion 2 Portable GC Systems.
Above all, each of these Custom GC Systems gives the same great results.So, whether your analyzing
in the Lab, or in the factory, or out
in the field,
you can rest assured that your Petrochemical results will always be consistent

PetroChemicals PDF PDF23 46p
Bio-Diesel GC - Glycerin
Bio-Fuels GC - Methanol & Ethanol
BTU GC - Heating Value
Freon Gases GC
Hydrocarbon Fuels GC
Hydrocarbon Gases GC
Methods 25 & 25A GC
C1-C6 Hydrocarbons
Mine Safety GC
Mud-Logging GC
Natural Gas GC
Heating Value & Permanent Gases
Oxygenates in Gasoline GC - 4815
Permanent Gases + Sulfur GC
Perma-Gas GC - Permanent Gases
Sulfur Compounds GCTOGA GC
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis

Each of these Pharmaceutical Applications can be analyzed using one of the Custom GC configurations of the Series 600 Lab GC.
However, all can also be analyzed using the Companion 1, or the Companion 2 Portable GC Systems.Best of all, each of these Custom GC Systems gives the same great results. So, whether your analyzing
in the Lab, or in the factory, or out
in the field, you can rest easy knowing that your Pharmaceutical results will always be consistent

Pharmaceutical PDF PDF23

Antidepressants GC
Antiepileptics GC
Antihistamines GC
Barbiturates GC
Cannabis GC - Medical Marijuana
Cold Medicines GC
Residual Solvents GC
Steroids GC

Quality Control
Every one of these Quality Control Applications can be analyzed using
one of the Custom GC configurations of the Series 600 Lab GC.
But that is not all, the majority can also analyzed using the Companion 1,
or the Companion 2 Portable GC Systems.Above all, each of these Custom GC Systems gives the same great results.
So, whether your analyzing in the Lab,or in the factory, or out in the field,
you can rest assured that your Quality Control Analysis results will always be consistent.

Solvents&Chemicals PDF PDF23
Acrylates GC
Alcohols GC
Aldehydes GC
Amines GC
Aromatics GC
Cresols GC
Formaldehyde GC
Glycols GC
Silanes GC
Siloxanes GC
Solvents GC
Styrene GC

Each of these Forensic Applications can be analyzed using one of the Custom GC configurations of the Series 600 Lab GC. However, all of them can also be analyzed using the Companion 1, or the Companion 2 Portable GC Systems. 
 Even better, each of these Custom GC Systems gives the same great results.
So, whether your analyzing in the Lab, or in the factory, or out in the field, you can rest assured that your Forensic results will always be consistent.

Forensics PDF PDF23

Anesthetics GC
Arson Accelerants GC
Blood Alcohol GC
Drugs of Abuse GC
Forensic Solvents GC
Inhalants GC


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 some of Our “KEY “ Products

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