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some DPS GCs

How does a Companion Go with you Anywhere?

What facts do I need to supply for a Custom GC quote?

Can you develop a method on the Series 600 lab GC
and transfer it to the portable Companion GC?

Can you run a Companion off of a battery?

Why do you offer a HID and not a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) Detector?

Do you offer a Mass Spectrometer (MS)?

Why do you offer a BCD and not an Electron Capture Detector (ECD) Detector?

Why do you use an internal computer running Windows XPe?

GC Comparison Control and Data Acquisition

Can the Series 600 and Companion GC´s be used as Fast GC´s?

[DPS GCs-m5] [DPS GC Ovens-m5] [DPS MicroTCD GCs-m5] [Custom DPS GCs-m5] [DPS Q-As] [DPS GCS some APPS]

DPS GCs > Frequently Asked Questions & Answers !

The fact remains that some questions just get asked over and over.
Those listed below are at the top of the list.
With each answer we try and describe why we do things the way that we do.
If you do not find the question, or answer you are looking for, please feel free to send ( to Us > Chromalytic Tech ) an inquiry using the E-mail Contact Form at the bottom of OUR HTM page(s).

How does a Companion Go with you Anywhere?

In the past the Companion could travel with you
as personal luggage in an airplane.
The plain fact is that these days are gone and
you need to check it in. However, the Companion, or Series 600 Lab GC can go anywhere in the world and operate just fine. Both can take any input voltage from 85 to 240VAC, and 50-60 Hz. You may need to change the power cord to plug them in locally.
This means you can purchase a GC with the confidence that it will be able to work wherever you have a mind to ship it & without Any of the usual “WIN Hassles”

DPS Companion Case

What facts do I need to supply for a Custom GC quote?
It is really quite easy. We usually only ask 3 simple questions to get going

  1. Which compounds are you interested and analyzing?
  2. What are the detection limits do you need for these compounds?
  3. Tell us about the matrix of the sample (air, water, liquid, soil, sludge, etc.)
    and what other compounds are in the sample that we should know about ?
    > But there are Many Options including Customised GCs for  specific Application types !

Can you develop a method on the Series 600 lab GC
and transfer it to the portable Companion GC?

Absolutely, in fact you can even develop a method on the Companion and transfer it to the Series 600 Lab GC.
Both lines of GC´s use the same detectors, columns, electronics, and software, so the results are always the same. Transferring a method is a simple as copying a few files from one hard drive to another. We are to only manufacturer that offers this transfer compatibility between a Lab and Portable GC

Can you run a Companion off of a battery?

Yes you can, but the fact remains that in most cases it is not practical > Airline Freight Regulations.
The Companion is a laboratory GC that has been scaled down and ruggedized for the field.
This means it is a fully charged GC with complete Temperature Programming of the column oven.
Which is great, but it uses power.
You can connect the GC to a deep charge battery, like you would find in a golf cart or boat, and run for up to 8 hours.
This is great, but the battery is big and heavy and then you would also need a voltage inverter.
A better solution is to run the Companion off of a portable generator, where you can run a power cord to the Companion, even from a long distance.
And a 2000 watt generators costs less than the deep charge battery!

Portable Generator

Overcome the “perrenial” Power Outages inherent in the coming “induced” Energy Crisis planned WW under the guise of
“Global Warming” !

Why do you offer a HID and not a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) Detector?
2023 > DPS Now also offers High Sensitivity Dual TCD > micro-machined ! 500ppB LOD

The TCD is a good all purpose detector and is specified in many methods, however we offer the HID (Helium Ionization Detector) instead.
The fact is, that the HID sees all of the same compounds as the TCD (except for Helium) and is much more sensitive.
Offering Detection Limits 10-20X lower than a standard TCD.
Similar to the TCD, the HID can also be run in series with other detectors, such as a FID. However, the HID can run much hotter than a TCD offering more functionality and a broader range of compounds.
These are just some of the reasons why we have standardized
on the HID detector.


Do you offer a Mass Spectrometer (MS)?

Unfortunately, we do not !.
We would love to add a MS to our line of detectors, but we have not found one from another source that keeps us price competitive ?.
If you come across a source, please let us know.
This would be a great enhancement to our product line.

Why do you offer a BCD and not an Electron Capture Detector (ECD) Detector?

An ECD is a highly selective detector for compounds containing Chlorine, Bromine, Fluorine, and some other specific classes
of compounds.
However, the fact is that the ECD is radioactive and requires
a very long time to warm up and stabilize.
This usually takes many hours.
Which is just not in any way practical for field work.
For these reasons, we have standardized on the
BCD detector.
The BCD is a non-radioactive detector that is sensitive to
Bromine and Chloride containing compounds and is great for
most of the environmental pollutants.
And since the BCD takes only a few minutes to heat up and
stabilize, making it perfect for field analyses.
The BCD is slightly less sensitive than the ECD,
but we think it is a better choice.
In addition, there is NO “crazy” radioactive license to deal
with (ARPANSA in AUSTRALIAaAnd to import !


Why do you use an internal computer running Windows XPe?

The fact is that we actually use Windows XPe ( old 2000 vintage but at least cut down and IS Stable compared to THE normal WIN “Crap”.
It’s  an embedded PLC operating system to run the DPS software.
An embedded operating system is a smaller version of the full blown system.
Yes, adding an internal computer is more expensive, but it offers much more flexibility. 
A small single board computer inside the GC runs the DPS, Chromatography, and Windows software.
The internal computer was never meant to be the big computer!
However, it is big enough to collect and process data in the field on our Portable Companions.
Rest assured that the embedded Windows does not run the GC!
All of the control parameters are stored safely within the microprocessors on the boards.
We only use Windows for the user interface, file storage and networking to the big computer.

Why do you ask, because if Windows ever crashes, the GC still maintains it´s current conditions.
We always have our users safety in mind. For more power, the GC can be connected to a large computer
to seamlessly collect and process the data using standard Windows networking protocols.
Best of all, any version of Windows can be installed on that computer.
So, you can always be up to date and use the latest version of Windows on your main
PC or LapTop computer.

For more information click this PDF link
GC Comparison Control and Data Acquisition

Can the Series 600 and Companion GC´s be used as Fast GCs?

Absolutely, the fact is that both lines of GC can be configured as Fast GC´s.
There are 2 ways of doing this using the FCO technology from
one of our partners.
For simple applications a FCO can be built right in
and the DPS Software will control the Temperature program.
However, for more complex applications involving 2 columns,
 or dual ovens, or 2-D analysis and external box is required to
control the FCO modules.
A convenient web interface connects the Control Module to program these more complex parameters.
There are even programs for multiple methods using an autosampler.
Whether built-in, or through the external Control Module, the FCO can make any of our GC´s a Fast GC!

DPS 600

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