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ALL due “credit” to . . .

Macolm Roberts
Michael Monckton
Roy Spencer
(NASA) for standing up to 
NIPCC / The Heartland Institute
Alex Epstein

Al Gore,
Tim Flannery,
Brian Cox
and the various  “vested interest” both FOR & AGAINST
the main proponents FOR the Global Warming “controversy”

Highly Polarised as it has obviously become

The extent of THE potential consequences CAUSE & EFFECT
Man-made CO2 and it’s real significance to Climate is “At Question” versus the cost both existing being experienced by most Western economies through the “extrapolated Energy Crisis” indirectly an excuse of Governments  “exploiting Inftation” strategies to cover up ineptitude in tackling real World more immediate problems
World “Economies” are in threat of collapsing thru’ enforced “Renewable Fuels Sources” in spite of proven Nuclear Concepts still being stigmatised ( by Australia”s stupiditiy > ignorance > “head-in-the sand” mentaility !
Potential denial of Coal>Gas ( AND Nuclear”) to developing under-developed Countries Will Result in the genocide of “Millions”
Currently The major ”CO2 polluters” are protected from this )
> China ( . . . a developing Country ? yet no 2 in World Economics) India etc.and most of Africa still burning cow shit: . . .
to keep warm > alive ! ? NOW exacerbating the migraton problem into Europe / he UK and the SOP Australia
The cost being covered by 5% of Western Economies like Australia being a “prime gullible supporter” but also the overall “hypocritical” United Nations itself also one of the main proponents

A term called “Cost -forced- inflation Economic Theory as distinct perhaps for olds “Keynesian” Economics now proven failed !

ALL just Another “historical” Financial “BUBBLE” ? . . . all too common it seems over millenia but accelerated by the Internet
“ & at-the-speed-of-light by “the culpable”

Current References ( later 2024) ( ABC, Guardian versus Monckton being prime examples of the media & popularised interpretation of “Fact & Fiction behind GW (now downplayed to Climate Change . . .as it has now been so obscured ! )

Vested Interest/ “corrupted Science” , “woke” Universities but “World Government” interest but befeficiary Economic “guru” Organisation like the “Mafia” etc but also coming to ligh Econonomic “Ogopolies”  and the miscellaneous “high stake Billionaire entreprenaurs” and like “Black Rock” a major financial “bloc”  player it seems

Is GW / CC really “Worth The Effort”” 100s of Trillions $$$s over 50 years . . . IF enforced . . . IF REAL ? . . . IF “significant

versus the actual Global “benefits of Greening THE Planet”
thru THAT CO2 “demon” ! . . .but t’s NOT even a pollutant
> “The Chemical of Life”
as significant as O2 and Water (H2O)
. . . to All those “Non-Chemists” enough of ALL these will kill U !
so by “New convention” definitions > “a Poison” !
> so Govts should tax these too ! ?

yeh ! > Right !

\Trillion of $$$s plus countless wasted “man-hours of THE WORLDs’
 so-called “Experts” interpretation by
PC Modeling & the “Next” “Quantum” Computers !
>  Or justified perhaps just to reduce the unemployment rate  of ALL those IT experts !

Perhaps they should be redirected towards fixing up bugs in s’ware > Windows, GOOGLE & “Open Source APPS “generally” etc > included

the main proponents FOR the Global Warming “controversy”

> to be continued . . . 2024 here !

& “ad nauseum” . . . the strategy of “dumbing down” . . .
by default . . . simply . . . to win “an argument” ! > &$$$s
The GUardian appears to have adopted the known proven ABC leaning towards complete “bias”.
One of The main “false-hood” appears to be the 97% Consensus that GW is >50% man-made caused by ‘Fossil Fuel > CO2 emissions speciically
Man-made PERHAPS
The Mann HOckey stick distortion is emulated in reltiy by a simile Population Grwoth “Hockey Stick

 and “indirectly” > CO2 increase is certainly exacerbated by Xtreme Population Growth  as well as the associated “infrastructure”  (> great increase in standard of living and necessary for food to feed them !) Cattle Growth who “fart” CO2 & Methane
TRY convincing 8 Billionpeople “to turn Vegetarian” as some “gurus” propose but also by minising ”> the banning of cattle
Crazy Stuff ! 

The 97% Hoax ? see Alex Epstein Forbes on-line still
reprint > PDF PDF23

Someone Should be made “Accountable” ! Gore, Flannery > Gretta T and a multitude of  “gullible“ polyticians ??? THE Fake “”media” ! perhaps !

with Just “SOME”
CC Accountability ?

Hypocrisy and Bullsit >trillion $’s “Scam forestalled for “generation

Ongoing “cherry-picking > Sure

BUT few answers or response  ONLY Evasiveness ! by bueeuacratsand pseudo ScientisT and the  forever “blathering ““Twitters” !

easier to divrert “scare” attention
to threat of WWW3 Ukraine Now Israel
Now that China realises THE Issue  > THE Reality ! with Taiwan and TRUMP !
 ( Not Biden )
BUT WE ALL ‘Gotta” put up with “Albo” >  Labor > The Greenies and the “commies > Unions ! AND the “pseudo” terrorists allowed & infiltrating into AUSTRALIA

the “plebs” have got short memories and hare waking up to mini Ice Age > Global Warming >Climate Change
and the “ farce” is Now affecting the “back pocket” . . . of most ! >
“ beyond THE Joke !

Anthony Watts
“The Urban Heat Island Effect - Dramatic New Findings”
> With Dr. Roy Spencer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJlCqofaldM Video23 ~60min
“significant: I ( UHE  estimated at 0.2 to 0.35degC per decade )

out of a satellite measured 0.8 C per 100years vs IPCC projected target of 2 to 4degC averaged” compared to the Gore 4 to 6 deg per100years ?

2023 IPCC Projection PDF
* RoySpencer > elaboraton 15/11 2023

They have since “subliminally” dropped referrence to  the “time period” 2 to 4degC per seem to hardly know ! OR obfscate n THAT !

1.6degC (actual ) compared toTHE  Gore / Flannery 4 to 6+degC ?

BUT obvious “obfuscation”
 ( Wikipedia etc ) even Now . . .  and actually deleting “peak prediction” videos etc tending to “down-play” the over-exaggeration . consequences becoming more & more apparent

“Hockey Stick” ? > Bullshit ! > unequivocally  distorted exaggerated . even “fraudulent “ ? > despite the so-called “consensus “!
Population Growth-RoyS < expand > POPGrowth-projected

IF U Plot World Population Growth over similar recent “history: vs AVERAGE
Global Temp ( &”whatever THAT REALLY Means ?”  > SAME “Hockey Stick
See Online WIKI
NOT THE WHOLE STORY EITHER ! . . . > multi-faceted

 interesting ! ? PDF PIC “Data” > Morecoming soon ! > from us / !

Unequivocal > Temperature Rise precedes CO2 increase
 by at least 100s of Years > historically

CO2 NOT Proven as the main cause > SURE ! contributory . . . maybe !
anthropogenic CO2 conceded as probably minor !

  • from many causative additive and overlapping effects !
    some positive some negative

still awaiting QUANTUM Computors ! even tho’ IT’s ALL Too OBVIOUS ! Antarctic Surface +15 to -60C ? average decadal rise +0.6C ? > Nit-picking error +/- 0.4deg C cyclic over millenia 10C . . . but U check ! “100s of scientists are still “grasping at straws” > strongly effected by Arctic “wind patterns !”
Over millenia Arctic / Antartica have been semi-tropical ( trees ) THE POLES themselves have switched several times . . . even Albanese can’t stop THAT ! > inevitable

> AND A few brains ( NOT necessaity “AI” either )
not “rigged” and with plausible “assumptions

NO Involvement of “bean counters” >politicians OR vested interest . . . AND to difficult for the “corrupt” UN (United Nations

Arctic Surface Temp Arctic SurfaceTemp 20thC expand >

comapared to seasonal -40C to 10C
ble !

After-all Explorers have been looking for the NW Passage for many Centuries

Warming ACTUALLY IS A BONUS ! > open up trade Alaska > Canada AND more-so TO RUSSIA Northern Europe with planning on a 100year “CYCLE”

The growing of e grapes in semi tropical Greenland in the Middle Ages ( ~AD1000 )and the Newfoundland, UK NthEurope has been significantly warmer at times but similarly cyclic > unexplained BUT still “hypothesized !


  • AND A few brains ( NOT necessaity “AI” either )
    not “rigged” and with plausible “assumptions
  • NO Involvement of “bean counters” >politicians OR vested interest . . . AND to difficult for the “corrupt” UN (United Nations

Unequivocal > Temperature Rise precedes CO2 increase
 by at least 100s of Years > historically

but like “cattle breathing CO2” now under threat of being “culled” etc ! ( by 1/3 ? )
 . . . millions will > starve ! . . . maybe ONLY enforced in Australia
 . . .The Lucky Country”
>   one of the ONLY Country Banning Nuclear Energy  favoring “unrealistic” Renewables” by those “crazy” politicians “hell-bent” it seems on pampering to and placating China

 of GW > YES . . . IT is “anthropogenic” > simply > mainly population Growth and associated heat effects due to indirect industrialisation > heat


The Washington POST Has just “pronounced

The answer is: Not necessarily. Climate change isn’t caused by population growth. It’s caused by Greenhouse Gas emissions from burning fossil fuels.

how “definitive” THAT IS . . . surely it MUST BE True !

who needs The Data”  . . . well done Dr Roy Spencer ! . . . at least you’ve got the “guts” . . . but being “pilloried” in the process of “honesty & fact gathering .
. . . being relatively “ambivolous” to THE “speculation” !

. . . the “interpretation” is th real problem by “dick-head” ? . . . “Consensus”

Population GROWTH to some extent > proven to be self- regulating depending on Rise in “AVERAGE” “standard of living” World-WIDE and diversionarly efforts of the Internet and TV in those “developing” Countries > sub-Sahara Africa, majority of the “explloited”/i gnorant  MiddleEast ,Sth America etc

Now China’s population is now “ageing” whereas India IS exploding greater than> China’’s >1.4Billion NOW !

Consequences THYY realise what they’re missing out ON ! mass immigration > terrorisn > unrest and after centuries of Western “exploitation < ongoing but now publicised slavery”

arguably perhaps ? but NOT YET Considered / realised” > civil unrest everywhere . . . a real dilemna for Society ??? . . . more-so then the relative” “pettiness of GW /( mpre potentially > a coming mini-IceAge ! ) > CC
. . .  ALL inevitable anyway > immutable ! a la “King Canute” !
fatalism > pragmatism . .  certainly so far Civilisatuon has manage to survive
> to adapt > try to ameliorate The consequences AND be prepared
to “learn from History”
. . . at least pre Scientists “knowingly” tell us The Universe is “doomed’” . . .  at least over Billions > Trillions of Earth “years” !
SO pre-plan optimistically”
HAVE “FAITH” ! . . . those religious ”zeolots” might ( still” pretend to profess ! )

“Cull the population” > WWW3 anf the  Mathusian “edict of the 19th Century promulgated by the Duke of Edin and Greenpeace etc ( “Earths population needs to be “culled by “any means” from 7 Billion to < 1 Billion (ASAP)   . . . doom of the ‘70s and “Ice-age pedictions “ . . . which lost favor by the now proven “short-term- “reality”

All > Another “Nostradamus”! > see current  PDF

 . . . but “ad finitum” . . . “scare campaigns” contrived > diversionary . . .
delusion ? >>> “paranoia

“a la” ?. . .  ( not to be misconstrued as being anything to do with religion !)

-     resurgence of COVID19 > but “obvious” seasonal thunderstorm and “pollen” > “mental numbness” symptoms: . . . downplayed by the “medicos” > understandably
-     the extorted report of mystery  “purple lakes” in the USA - all but effects of drought Salt build up and well known  algae “blossoms” > re source of Vitamin A ( betaCarotene ) Hi -ech Victorias BioTech mini-“scam” of the 1960s and later > current algae bio-fuel “scams”
& scientifically improbable AND nigh-on  Impossible > unrealistic !
> a “hyperbowl” absurd distraction from the real Biotech Phamacutical boom in Australia

but WHAT’S happened to THE real Science > “pseudo” ( faked ) Science
. . . bought off by The Politicians ??? eg those elements in Universities > CSIRO
for example >>> gender politics >”wokism” of the masses . . . generally !
“ woke” is actually an “oxymoron” . . . in reality U must look it up !

SAD ! . . . So On > on ! it goes !

> a “running commentary ! by US > CT !

with some real facts BUT >
Pros & Cons ! > a compromise ? NO !

You won’t find Any of This
on the ABC ! ( AUS > US > UK etc )
> THE Guardian as an offset to the Murdock NEWS Corp
. . . blatantly biased as they and the “media”
in general obviously are !

 to “paraphrase” the likes of . . .Andrew Bolt,
Paul Murray >
Rowan Dean
> > > we present it here !.
 . . so U don’t un-nececessarily need to “waste your time !

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